
Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2011


                   Kommunistspøgelse. Det er på tide, at Ole Sohn beretter om sin lyssky fortid bag Jerntæppet.. - Foto: ARKIVFOTO: JOHN GAPS III/AP
                 On the infamous Berlin Wall fell, marking the end of
                 Communist regimes ruled for more than 28 years
                 (01-06-1952 to 10-09-1989)

                  THE TRUTH - JUSTICE - LOVE

Bare love letter and share with the unjustified  that crowded the Thai Ha parish suffered from a number of retired personnel sent by the representatives of Uncle Luu Cong Thanh indirect public we know one thing very is valuable not only Catholics, but the day we all retired, who connected or worked for the communist government of Vietnam, the former always has a better idea of ​​the so-called socialist and communist ideals of justice and professionals, now has really collapsed and completely lost faith in the party, the communist state, before the action becomes duplicity, lies and despicable of the right hand with communism as alien invaders who persecuted people expressed legitimate patriotism, and after a series of acts of religious persecution that most recent actions of unscrupulous rulers Hanoi authorities to use every despicable tactic to take over assets of land lawfully Thai Ha parish where the government has borrowed for decades.

As reported in previous articles, the appropriate property's land Thai Ha parish in particular and asset base of thousands of Vietnam Catholic Church and religion in general is one of the plans filthy and dark of the Vietnam Communist authorities with the aim of isolating and narrow religious activities in order to limit the lowest influence of religion which they think could hinder or detrimental to the interests of the party or the interests of some individuals and collective leadership in government as well as a totalitarian, authoritarian communist government that has imposed on people throughout few decades.

"Evil can not win Justice " maxim that can not be changed forever. There have been many generations have seen, and the history of thousands of years has demonstrated that eloquent speech. In the past, the powers socialist Soviet Union collapsed and followed by batch mode Eastern European communist bloc disintegrated and most recently the rise of the people to overthrow the regime Full financial and inhuman treatment in some countries of the Middle East and Arab has continued to confirm that. The authoritarian leader of Vietnam's communist government should wake up and realize that smart. Make changes quickly and how to run the country now to avoid the trail vehicle of the country such as Afghanistan, Iraq,
Tunisia, Yemen ..... and bitter fate as the end of dictatorial leaders Libya, Colonel Gaddafi him. Freedom, Democracy and respect for human rights is a thoroughly plausible and requires a major platform for the existence of a regime.


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Letter to the Catholics of Thai Ha

7/11/11 3:43 PM

LTS:  Thư gửi tín đồ công giáo Thái Hà

The Queen of Justice received by letter sent to clergy and faithful of Thai Ha priests through the mailbox Queen Justice. We would like to switch to Thai Ha over here, especially in these days when the communist regime has sought to harm the righteous, a spacious fellowship that we have received, did they I firmly believe that Thai Ha will step up.

Also through here, thank the author, you have the interest and sympathy with the Queen of Justice over time, especially have faith in the Queen on the way justice is justice - truth.

Hanoi, 7/11/2011

Dear relatives and monks, priests, Thai Ha parish.

We are Hanoi residents, not religion, not ever seeing you. Only a people loving justice, truth be want the real presence in their country after so many years of waiting, but not seen.

I was an officer at the age of retirement, but always thinking seriously pleased with the country, home, where my children, my grandchildren have to live, to exist and will go anywhere.

Is not usurp profess, but what I said in this letter can represent thousands of people at least have the good wishes for his country as me. In clubs, in the talk between us, the last day finances of your story. Therefore, my brothers friends by sending along this letter to express feelings.

Thugs climb the sanctuary area to judge priests, religious and security climbing film

These days we monitor developments surrounding the Thai Ha parish was the communist government (metamorphic) using despicable conspiracy to slander and destroy. Taking advantage of the propaganda machine, but by the very people we pay taxes to do the lost virtue, conscience, we are very dissatisfied. This is not the first time that the communist government (metamorphic) propaganda to distort so blatantly and even recently the great intellectuals of the nation because of aggression against China has distorted is reactionary. The deeper you get into the wrong of the communist regime (degenerate) system has become impossible to repair. Many people have the passion, the intellectuals, senior officials have been suggestions in the spirit of construction, but such is not the acceptance of the contrary, it was harmed by them, services and.

So far the government's blatant to the end, when used on 3-11-2011 unions, police, civil defense disguised as people come to destroy the church. Then lu speakers that burning people. The appearance of this list clearly shows the face of unconscionable government pushing people in conflict over his drama days 3-11, this was to take place the end, just as the meaning of inalterably. One of clarity can never bring people to the site of internal conflict, but is on the verge of extinction may be new to others cowardly blow to his conflicting interest.

We are those who believe in a constant regime of socialism beautiful, fair and civilized. Father, brother, we have devoted the government's call in as many years. But so far, we have seen real contribution is his contribution to the ward abetting fraud, cruelty, and also harm the country and nation. Really from my heart, we are regretted that both believe in the Communist Party has led the country, people come to this day, look back on things like foreign debt by borrowing terrible wanton depletion of natural resources by sell out their commodities, morals corrupt, decadent lifestyle, culture and identity lost his father ... what is lost can not get back, get back or they would take decades, even the centuries.

It is painful to lose this stuff is at the root, the resources for national development has been lost. The country lost precious holy things, to exchange for what? In return a bunch of interests, fat, small city and prosperous luxury, deceit and cruelty. Those of us hope that one day this government realize the truth, think about people's interests, the country had become hopeless, it is really desperate.

But what the people of the parish of Thai Ha have shown persistence over the years, has prompted us hope for a revival, a new life on home, life is full of humanity there, a spirit of charity and more importantly is the fierce life and death to justice, to truth. It rarely seemed to have become extinct in the heart of the people of Vietnam after so many years living in the lie of the government.

Please do not assume we are writing this letter with the content that you, the fact that Vietnam is the homeland for many years, yet there is concentrated where the spirit of resistance and struggle against the real public wrongdoing by the Thai Ha parish. It is obvious even say whatever does not deny the truth. The fight you have with the patient's mind, with how his ideal every year who do not have to rely, a real struggle admiration. And clearly only eternal truth in the heart of the new liver makes people long struggle full of hardships in the circumstances as you.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Also people here, we would be sending Thai Ha Catholics and Bishop Ngo Quang Kiet specific apology to our depth. Sorry to say this, not because we have done to offend you or Bishop Kiet. But then, the media system we have your misconceptions about whether we had a long time and have experience in this communication system. But it did not expect that these unconscionable in the extreme cases at 42 Nha Chung and the Thai Ha on which we can not doubt.

Also here, we would like to thank you, the event was smearing and services and we opened our eyes more and trust it completely collapsed.

Since then we always pay attention to what you are doing more and more clear many things. There, you will not fight for the property, not because the land had been borrowed, was captured and robbed, you are fighting for truth - justice is what this country are inadequate, and almost lost away from decades past.

We are Hanoi residents understand the property of Church were blatantly robbed by authorities, so everything's deceptive newspapers as we see more and more disgusting headed . As someone who has been long years in state agencies, I know very well that without the fight of your firm, the two golden land at 42 Nha Chung in Hanoi and Thai Ha were divided into the greedy leaders of Ha Noi for long time.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Say these words are easily understood as empty and meaningless, but we understand the nature of this regime as well as its policy for your religion, it is destroyed. Depending on time, every place to implement that strategy.

We know very well that you were completely correct and in accordance with law. Borrowed property must be paid is, of course, but the state this material, it always goes against common sense and citizens. So you will have to face many thorny them even more wicked schemes.

Tomorrow, this system can take you on fire rigs, to the fire, in prison or a wicked plot to any harm. Nothing that we do not, whether it is the loss of morality and conscience most.

But we know that is not Thai Ha Prajna years old, including the fact that today's Thai Ha Thai Ha is not the state three years ago robbed the land split is not forced to park.

The country is groaning under the tyranny, fear and so on, though the time has come as a dry meadow, just a flame. But it would be difficult for those brave, committed to truth and justice like you, we do not praise, not flattery, but because that is the essence of religion that you follow. We who have common sense, really touched and impressed by the spirit to fight for truth, justice as a straight and clean on Vietnam beloved homeland.

So we admire, we admire and we know that, if the Gaddafi regime had to creep down the drain, as against the people, then tomorrow when you are oppressed, will certainly have flashes up a fire burning regimes reflect the civilian population throughout the nation.

We do not expect the result is not good or not or to you. But, if that time comes, would have you believe us, there are millions of people in Vietnam were so fed up, melancholy companion with you. Because of that, though very dry, old age, we would expect to be ready to take on missions with you hard but meaningful homeland.

Please send to you the same care and our direction in finding the truth and justice for the country.

Lord of you always next to you, protect and bring peace to you all.

Representatives of a large number of retired and many of the country concerned.

Luu Cong Thanh

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