
Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 3, 2013

The legendary leader Ho Chi Minh in the eyes of Vietnamese people and the International Community



The upcoming birthday of President Ho Chi Minh, a teacher, a father, and is a great leader of the communist dictatorship Vietnam ...... and before the bad condition of the country today under the brutal rule of the communist dictatorship Vietnam ..... and before an opportunity to thousands of years by the totalitarian communist regime, inhuman above accidentally created for fellow Vietnam nationwide campaign to collect opinions of the people to amend the state constitution draft, a sham democracy clumsy drama and shameless which had been exposed soon before the public inside and outside the country and the international community by people .To help the people of Vietnam and abroad, especially for components communism, communist relatives or those who still believe and blindly loyal to the current regime through the stuffing from thought, poisoned thoughts with words demagogic lie ..... which is the forte for so long of the atheist communist and totalitarian communist regime in Vietnam

We would go to all who post comments about Ho Chi Minh the Vietnamese communist party and the current ruling regime always idolize and celebrate like a true communist leader, a great celebrity.... gentleness, honesty, tolerance, humility and purity ..... be posted on the Polish POLSKA, a country of the former Eastern European communist bloc which was collapsed and quickly became a democratic country. Besides, we also have the honor to send to all the people of Vietnam and abroad 12 video which talking about the fact Ho Chi Minh by the experts, well-known historian with a lot of experience inside and outside the country had fought study, as a meaningful gift to welcome the anniversary of the birth of a Vietnamese communist leader to come (19/05).Thereby also the line width for the public to comment and orientation should or should not continue to maintain the Vietnamese communist regime, a regime always physique gentleness, kindness and ethics as their great leader Ho Chi Minh, but few know is that, behind the moral and the gentle shape it was a fake butcher, assume that, once the blood staining of millions of his compatriots after robbery government and push millions of people destitute miserable life, no future, no home, no food and access ..... and even not have the right to live as human ..... as in the society and the country of Vietnam today.


Polska Trzynastu najbardziej krwawych dyktatorów w historii XX...


Thirteen Polish bloodiest dictators in the history of the twentieth ...
Thirteen of the bloodiest dictators in the history of the twentieth century [GALLERY]
Date added: 2013-03-05 11:35:53 Last updated: 2013-03-06 11:12:50


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Twentieth century is known as the age of totalitarianism. Governments communists, fascists and military juntas bloody harvest gathered in all corners of the globe. Here are thirteen people who were at the forefront of the most murderous regimes. SEE THE GALLERY!

Ho Chi Minh
(© Wikipedia Commons)

(© Wikipedia Commons)
Description: Vietnam

Is responsible for the deaths of 1.7 million people

Years in power: 24 (1945-1969)

The largest crime: Vietnam War

Type of regime: Communist

Cause of death: heart attack

The original News in Polish

Piano oferuje dzisiaj dostęp do 256 nowych artykułów.

Polska Trzynastu najbardziej krwawych dyktatorów w historii XX...

Trzynastu najbardziej krwawych dyktatorów w historii XX wieku [GALERIA]

Data dodania:  Ostatnia aktualizacja: 
XX stulecie jest określane jako wiek totalitaryzmów. Rządy komunistów, faszystów i junt wojskowych zebrały krwawe żniwo we wszystkich zakątkach globu. Oto trzynastu ludzi, którzy stali na czele najbardziej zbrodniczych reżimów. ZOBACZ GALERIĘ!
Ho Chi Minh
(© Wikipedia Commons)

Odpowiada za śmierć: 1,7 miliona ludzi

Lata u władzy: 24 (1945-1969)

Największa zbrodnia: wojna wietnamska

Typ reżimu: komunistyczny

Przyczyna śmierci: zawał serca

Video: The truth about the life of President Ho Chi Minh, the great leader of the Vietnamese communist regime

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 01

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 02

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 03

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 04

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 05

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 06

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 07

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 08

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 09

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 10

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 11

The truth about Ho Chi Minh - 12

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