
Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 12, 2012

The truth underlying the so-called "determined defense country against enemy invasion" of the Communist Party and government of Vietnam !!!




His lectures on Eats Sea of Army Colonel Tran Dang Thanh, PhD, associate professor of the Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam for the leaders of the University of the country makes people in whole country must be stunned and shocked, especially in the current period the Chinese Communist authorities are conducting activities invaded the island of Vietnam illegally and unruly. Not only do not agree with the patriotism of the people of Vietnam the country in protest wrongful invasion of the Chinese Communist government, his Colonel Tran Dang Thanh also has words of praise enemies themselves by the very harsh words and almost stood permanently on the aggressor against his people, his country shamlessly. With the rank of Colonel, with lofty degree threshold and high position in the Vietnamese State authorities, Is it true that Defense Ministry Colonel Tran Dang Thanh is on behalf of the Party and government leaders tell policy guidelines and desire really thinking of the full powerful leaders of the State of Vietnam today?

Not only that, the Colonel associate professor Dr Political Academy of the Ministry of Defense Viet Nam also use the flowery words to remind everyone the pictures of ideas of communism ancient times, a doctrine obsolete, outdated and there is nothing good that humanity, progressive human world has spit, forgotten and thrown in the trash without mercy. Not stopping there, he Defense Ministry Colonel stronger to defend the ideological and policy lines and many illegal activities from the communist and other authoritarian countries such as Iran, North Korea ... ...the countries have taken action to increase the operational nuclear arms race in the world which has been condemned by the International Community and isolation, but seems to be the most wonderful thing in Colonel Ministry of defense of country the Socialist Republic of Vietnam should have lavished praise on them. In general, all of his speech Colonel Political Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam today is not only completely contradictory to the true value and the efforts of the people of Vietnam, of the International Community in Democratizing Global trends and bring the best for humanity. The most dangerous thing is mentioned in the article today is the ideology in favor of the aggressor, betrayed the Vietnamese people's patriotism, betrayal tremendous sacrifice by the noble blood and lives of the people, the team, his comrades in the past when enemies invade China conducted aggressive wars in the Paracels in 1974, Changsha 1988 and the war Vietnam-China border in 1979.

What underlying cause for a senior military officer of the Ministry of Defense, who Degree and high positions in state government agencies Vietnamese communist way of thinking and behavior of such deviations ? things that people care and concern that is harmful thoughts can be the key points and general leadership of the State of Vietnam that the Vietnamese people as well as the International Community so long shared said: "Cowardly with enemy but evil to people." Presentation today of Col. Ministry of Defense Tran Dang Thanh also really cleared many doubts in the hearts of people on policy and the foreign policy of the Party and the government really in dispute territorial rights, and territorial defense. His speech said Army Col. decoding also why in all this time the Vietnamese communist government tried to prevent the persecution of people not to focus protest action Invasion China's strategy, even though they know that it is lawful rights and people's legitimate and comes from the heart of true patriotism of the people. However, according to senior government officials, China seems to only own the enemy of the Vietnamese people alone, but for the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese communist government, China government has always been a patron of good communist, a good neighbor friend that the Vietnamese Party and the country must be grateful and repay all his loyalty even to sacrifice the country and even to forget go all the great dedication of the people, their allies and comrades, as well as in the defense of Vietnam country with the blood and lives of everyone.



1481. Colonel Tran Dang Thanh lectured on the East Sea to the leaders of the University

Posted by basamvietnam on 19/12/2012

2  - "Comrade over there put away the report, put the glasses away! I said so but still read newspapers, do not be like that. "

- "For China must not forget two things: they have invaded us, but we also must not forget they used to give rice to cut clothes for us. Can not are within thanked by definition.

-  Comrades remember America never, never and never real good to us all ... If there's a good this site or have praised us there, supporting us about SCS  because their interests. They are made 'drop small shrimp, catch another bigger'. They never real good to us, their crimes heaven and earth.

- ... Not be lost sovereignty and right of sovereignty but supremely is kept peaceful environment.

For the immediate future, we must trust in the leadership of our Party, the leadership of the Government ...

- ... If any university for students to participate in illegal protests first cons belonging to Mr. Rector and School Board, the first belonging to the Party Secretary, the student management of the University. "

Colonel-Ass-TS-ngut Tran Dang Thanh, Political Academy, the Ministry of Defense instructor of the East Sea

For the leadership of the Party Committee, Party, Propaganda, political work, student management, delegation, the youth of the Hanoi University-College

Recordings: Collaborators T.L.

Transcription: Blog Three Sam

Attend and Rapporteur of the meeting today is pleased to introduce Comrade Colonel, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Teacher of Merit Tran Dang Thanh - Academy of the Ministry of Defense.

Attending the and directing conference today, I have the honor to introduce Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, Secretary of Party Committee of the University, College of Hanoi.

Introducing Mr. Vu Tuan Dung, deputy permanent secretary of the Party Committee of the block.

Introducing Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son, Deputy Party Secretary of the block.

Take part in the Conference today I have the honor to introduce also he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the block, he was member of the Party Committee of blocks, heads and deputy heads of the Party Committee blocks. Mr. Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Principal, Vice Principal, member of Standing. The party he was commissioner in charge of propaganda or Head of Propaganda in the Party branch directly under. Comrades as political head of the management students. Of the Secretary of the Youth and Student Association president in the entire block. Proposal conference we warmly welcome! (Applause)

Dear comrades, my whole conference. Our conference will be held today estimated at about two hours, we will not break and is expected approximately 16 hours 15 minutes of our conference will end. And here I would like to introduce and invite Mr. Tran Dang Thanh Rapporteur will communicate to our Conference on the East Sea. Please invite comrades!

Dear leaders of the Party leaders of the group of the University. Dear Principal, vice principal, the comrades in the leadership of the University or, most basically, most families ie the comrades working in education and training. First of all I would like to thank the Party leadership and gave me a conditional block, an opportunity to interact, to talk to all the comrades a number of issues on the East Sea. This is a very hot issue and in the heart of our capital, Hanoi is also very hot. First of all thank the comrades and wish good health will make the task of education that our training is done three functions. Function first and most important is that is taught. And second functional literacy and vocational third. Would like to thank the comrades! (Applause).

At the request of the comrades, said this afternoon I put the issue on the East Sea and the policy of our state's maritime sovereignty us now. The content will consist of two parts:

The first part is a comrade view a video clip of 20 minutes or 18 minutes on five world events of 2009. In 2009, now in 2012 we can see it seems to be outdated but actually was ever dated 2010 which says we synthesized. And 5 the fact that so far we still retain value and further development. After watching, I would say 5 countries situation called as overview, called a little overview of the world situation in the United States, Russia, China, the Democratic Republic of Iran Islamic and Communist People's Republic of Korea.

Then we'll talk about our situation Sea. Because the report he was at the request of the comrades I will add a number of issues about the hostile forces that are against us in the current situation, especially for blocks Universities School, College today. First of all is it! And in the process of exchange, there is nothing I would like to collect the opinions of our comrades on how to make good propaganda because we have to admit one thing is compared to China, the propagation of we are inferior to them. They spread all over us, we still have many things to strive for. Report comrades so! First of all comrades to check out a video clip:

Dear comrades, we just look at 5 of the 2009 event, but five events so far remain valid and I would say more called as an overview for the comrades imagine.

 1 First of all I would say about America, then to Russia, to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and finally he is painted glass, correlation, ideal relative communication, cultural similarities, the fate of the relationship. My friend said it was final and most comrades.

First of all is my sense of life today is very much happy but today is probably one of my happiness is going to say, there are four Buddhist Conference lecture grand Nine and today to speak with a team of the most intellectual of our country are found the principal, vice principal and the Party Secretary, the Head of the student. Of course this is of some comrades through the Academy of Political and fostering national defense and security object 2 (?) And comrades are all good students even have a student comrades excellence as Principal Medical University such as this thesis has good, good shooting. And Deputy Director ... school ... Academy Tue Tinh, her nest, for example, then he Vice Rector of the University of Forestry, for example, are good students. I am very proud of our intelligentsia because both center, and today is the reported range in front of the teacher. First of all is partly psychological well but alone would allow the amount of stuff for it.

First, I talk about the situation of the United States, reports the American comrades in 2011 their name does not change anything, remains of the United States. Then the current U.S. population in 2011 is 301 million people according to reports in 2030, 2040, 2050, do not have any power over the United States. And speaking as former U.S. President George Bush the United States have the responsibility to shape the world, not to the world for America. And why did Bush say that because Bush is based on the reality of America. The United States said that because the U.S. has some problems as follows.

First of all on economic strength. Currently the United States is still the world's number one economic ship, the total income of the country's GDP is $ 14,700 billion, much more than us are about 150 times. Second defense of the power of the U.S. is currently in the United States, by the year 2011 the United States spent each year about 680 billion dollars to 700 billion dollars for defense. And now the United States is still ongoing strategic offensive pre-emptive defense, preemption, and the nation has done the 10-30-30 formula. 10-30-30 mean? Preparing for a 10-day war, conducted a 30-day war and ending a 30-day war. Means one in America can hold 5 war, a war 70 days. The United States now has more than 80 military bases in foreign countries and even East Asia, the report own comrades Northeast Asia is the United States stationed military stationed in Japan 70,000 Korea 28,000 military. And these countries, Japan and Korea have adopted whole from A to Z for the United States to protect the security of Japan and South Korea. America has had two military alliances in Southeast Asia is the Philippine-American military alliance, the U.S. military alliance, Thailand, etc. And now reports the America England was still the No. 1 power and may counterbalance the military is probably just as Russia or China. On science and technology, the comrades are the scientists would also like to inform the comrades themselves 100 the inventor of the world, is America having 51 of the invention in the world. Thus, the United States accounted for 51 percent of the world's inventions.

Of course they do not use military power as before but they use different methods. Then again I would say against the tactics of the West for our Vietnam at the end. And now, America is looking for ways including the problem is proposed, praised China is international law problems, and support Vietnam multilateral problem solving bilateral problems, etc. In fact said that, the U.S. is implementing two-sided strategy. One is using Vietnam as a vanguard force to block China. Second hand is to find ways to break the long-standing relationship solidarity of Vietnam, between the people of Vietnam and the Chinese people that the beneficiaries will be the United States. On national defense and security, the Americans who want to return to the East Sea because 70% to 90% of the design for the 7th Fleet forces in the Pacific Ocean to the East Sea. The second, the U.S. oil company also wanted a position in the East Sea. And the third problem, the problem is that Americans are looking for ways to curb because Americans identify China is now the enemy assumed in the past two decades. Currently China is the equivalent to the U.S., although the two sides trade ... (can not hear) a year. Terms of trade is about $ 500 billion. But the United States and China are now identified each other as adversaries stable so Americans are looking for ways to be present at the location of Southeast Asia to the Philippines, Thailand, and especially the U.S. is highly proper role of Vietnam. On defense in particular, the United States also wanted to get troops Cam Ranh port because the port of Cam Ranh port is one of the three best in the world. A Canadian port, a port in the United States and a port in Cam Ranh of us. It's the world's best by the stars, ie the flow path 50 kilometers wide from far away and close to the shore until the depth is 50m. Submarines can dock landing not need wharf. Please answer with comrades on a military so. First of all talk about the United States.

Monday told Russian Federation. Comrades, in 1989, former U.S. President Nixon, wrote the book "1999 - victory without war" means the United States predicted that ten years before the Soviet Union collapsed. But after two years, the 1991 Soviet collapse. Today I will talk about the conditions of peaceful evolution, say more about why the Soviet Union collapsed after two years? That's me an appointment comrades in other occasions, if possible. And if the comrades invited and invite others to the music. And please tell the comrades that after the 1991 Soviet collapse, in 1992 Russia was born with a capacity as an independent nation in the community of the CIS countries and Russia inherited all the rights interests of the former Soviet Union. And eight years in power from 1992 to 2000 the head of state that Russia was Boris Yeltsin. After that stand in the highest position, the Boris Yeltsin two decisions. A Communist Party is banned works, the two are not paid to those who had participated in the Soviet government.

Currently working comrades do not have a pension, but in a near future or distant future we will have the desired retirement and later each of us will also enjoy full ownership. And I went to a lecture for all objects, protecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at present a lot of content, which has a very specific content, very practical to us as property protection for those who are entitled to pension and property protection for the future will enjoy owning, for example comrades sit here. Should have made it clear right away, we now have to do everything possible to protect the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The first decree banning the Communist Party activities, the second decree is not paid to those who had participated in the Soviet government. Perhaps the most equitable, eight years as President, Boris Yeltsin brought Russia more step backward because inherited all the rights of the former Soviet Union, from an economic power to become the debtor, from defense superpower become a security and defense responses very embarrassing especially after the Kosovo 1999. And perhaps only the merits of Boris Yeltsin, Putin is discovered and brought Putin nominated for election as President.

And after Putin was elected president, eight years as president, the two terms 2000-2004, 2004-2008 and Prime Minister 2008 to 9-5-2012 and 9-5-2012 to present President. Putin together with you hand in his is Medvedev rowing boat and Russia together with Russian people overcome the rapids. From a debtor, Russia has completed repayment and become cumulative. And economic terms, the most significant achievements of the Russian Federation has accumulated a considerable capital and became a member of World Trade Organization 156 after 18 years of very intense negotiations.

Report comrades, in 2006, Vietnam became the 150th member of the World Trade Organization and Russia after 18 years of very arduous negotiations, to reach the 156 th member. On the economic front, in addition to the economic strength of the Russian Federation we have to admit Russia is a great natural asset that is the whole vast desert Siberia, earlier comrades watch the video clip . The whole desert Siberia is the source of energy, oil and gas are abundant. And now 70% of the energy, oil and gas in Western Europe is dependent on Russia. So the Western countries are afraid of a collision with Russia because the collision, if angered Moscow, Russia, no need to say use military power, people just need to shut the gas valve a People of Western Europe immediately miserable. On defense strength of the Russian Federation, if the 1999 block approach of the North Atlantic military offensive in Kosovo 54 Russia reacts very slowly but please Comrades story after the events of 2008 of Georgia, ... (can not hear), etc., Russia reacted very quickly. And now Russia has produced these weapons can break through any missile defense network. Currently, the U.S. and Nato is spending 170 billion dollars to build a missile defense system was referred to as the NND. But Russia has produced Skender missile range of 11 thousand ... (can not hear), 11,700 kilometers can penetrate any missile defense shield. And more than two months ago, Mr Putin and Defense Minister Russian Federation announced the 50 Heads of State and Minister of Defence of Europe, Asia that: Russia will be ready to progress pre-emptive, preemption with all nuclear facilities, including the missile base that threatens national security of Russia. And Russians they say, they will do it. Please answer the comrades that the military power of Russia. And report comrades every year Russia they do combined with economic and defense, I would like to say to me here is a year they do about the ... (Comrade over there please put the report away, put glasses away! I said that but still read newspapers, do not be like that).

... I would say to Comrades, Russia people still do business in conjunction with defense? Each year they sell weapons to be 10 billion dollars, 10 billion dollars. I must say that they do very well. So we have to tell our Vietnam is one of ten countries to buy weapons and enter the Russian Federation. And Russia currently they are gradually return as a great power like the Soviet Union, as they always have. The question what Russia needs in Vietnam? Comrades, Russia is determined to return to the Asia Pacific region, especially Southeast Asia. And now the story held last APEC meeting people choose a country in Northeast Asia to the organization ... (can not hear) to the last APEC conference. And our president to visit a country in the region that have found that Russia desperately needs back to Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and especially our Vietnam. If more than two decades ago, the Russian Federation, the former Soviet Union who have military advisors to our division. They have been provided for all the problems in terms of our military. Therefore they are looking through Vietnam to return. And for Vietnam, Russia greatly appreciate our Vietnam, Vietnam is a faithful son of iron. Faithful, iron son perhaps in the halls of our many comrades have been working in Russia, the Soviet Union or training in Russia, the former Soviet Union. So we see, what we train, we work in Vietnam, we have borne the image of the former Soviet Union, the country of the birch, the birch trees on our land. Therefore, they also want to go back to our country. And one of the things they look forward to, would like rent Cam Ranh both of us as Americans to participate in the proposal. And we certainly will not be foreign to any lease, or any other country because we have signed with some countries and not for any other country employing or stationed on our province to threaten national security for those nations. This is Russia!

Third country I want to tell the comrades of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Dear comrades, if said Muslim world, the total Muslim population in the world accounting for about 1.1 billion people. And Muslims are concentrated in the Central Asian region is essential. And Central Asia is the region of the junction between Europe and Asia. And there, Muslims, like my comrades, as they spent fighting in a battle over the centuries, it must be said that fighting in a battle over the centuries. And combative ability on-site before and the desert now they have to say is very good. I use the word combative, I avoid the word aggressive because people say that Muslims are very aggressive, but I do not want to use that word. I use the word good, good fight. And in Southeast Asia, we have a country which is Indonesia. Indonesia is a country of about 250 million people, but please, folks he was about 85% of Indonesians are Muslim. And Muslims in Southeast Asia, they are more moderate. I told "milder them" people of Central Asia. And when it comes to Islam, it is said to be Allah and the symbol of Islam is the Koran, the Koran than 3000. The notion that Muslims holy almighty powerful Allha, born seven heavens, seven soil layers, seven layers of hell. And Muslims want to do something that is molded to the earth to the true intention of the holy Ala. And Central Asia have a Islamic Republic of Iran and especially after the election earlier comrades in 2009, President Ahmadinejad had won the election and he declared Iran's nuclear program is a train with no brakes, no, only forward, not backward. Because in international law is to allow nuclear energy research, but Western nations suspect and fear that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not nuclear energy through research to nuclear development. Dear comrades, now the world's eight nuclear-armed country. The world is calling for a world without nuclear weapons, but the world is not fair in that eight countries with nuclear weapons do not cancel the nuclear weapons but ban other developing countries. Inequality in that place! Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran determined to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. But the story of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, they produce nuclear weapons or not is their job, not discussed here. But on defense to say, the Islamic Republic of Iran stated that currently form a new middle class. And people are willing to erase, wipe out a country that is Israel because Israel is America's closest ally in the Middle East, is a country that owns nuclear weapons. President Ahmadinejad is determined to do it. Although more than 30 years of Islamic Republic of Iran is a lot of sanctions, embargo of the country of the North Atlantic military organization and the name of the United Nations, but they still stand. And they make sure that the Islamic Republic it is strong enough to protect their interests even they do things we do not want it to wipe the state of Israel. 

Fourth country I want to tell the comrades that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Dear teacher, a teacher-practitioner Political Academy, a teacher study 7, Mr. course 9, teachers lock 23. And now the political institutions are key defense knowledge 34. Lock the last 33 some he was Director of the Central Propaganda Department propaganda lecture I said. Comrades, North Korea, a country with 23 million born and raised in the Northeast Asian region, not be blessed, the climate is extremely harsh, hot, fire, earth, rain, rotten land. Report comrades storm last five our country influence, North Korea more than 200 people dead and more than 20,000 people homeless. Their country is extremely poor, economically poor, so poor, do not know in this work has no comrades DPRK but the comrades Academy of Defense security Facing 2 has gone through I can say that the poor that Department officials, foreign central to the Foreign Office to shoes, to tie, to suit, to suitcase finished work abroad return back to the Department of Foreign there. Poverty to such an extent! And every one in 2/3 of the North Korean people to receive food aid in terms of food in terms only of the state. And just then our Government aid to North Korea 5000 tons of food. They are economically poor but their excessive patriotism. Their patriotism as in 60, 70 years of the 20th century in our country. Theoretically speaking, the DPRK is still in a state of war. War of 1951 - 1953 a new treaty called temporary truce, taking 38 progressive expansion pressure ... (can not hear). The fellow said, as seen on the video clip we see 2009 they launched a missile, most recently in 2012, on 12-4-2012 they launched a rocket on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late President Kim Il Sung. That before the launch of missiles that they report to the authorities universe of the United Nations 60 days. They invited 70 journalists of the largest media companies in the world until the rocket pad to filming, recording, shooting the messenger. And rockets fly in outer space only 1 minute and 28 seconds after it crashed into the sea but what they achieve beyond their expectations. Dear comrades, to see North Korea prepares launch rockets, from Obama - American President, Lee Myung-bak, President of South Korea, Japanese Prime Minister, the President and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Hu Jintao and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and etc ... and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to run and run again, run the urge to run originality. Particularly, Seoul, South Korea to stop all activities to set the alarm to basement 3 times. Japanese nation to deploy a lot of Patriot missile interceptors to fear that their rocket flew over Japan's space. Missiles that fly in outer space only 1 minute 28 seconds can occur in two possibilities. First they were not qualified scientific and technological capabilities to put missiles there in their desired orbit. The second possibility they try to do so even occur in any capacity, what they achieve as they fool all of the big boys, they do all the great loss of loss of sleep and very anxious about their missiles. The thing that we need to learn. Second, I said to the comrades, the last Vietnam Olympic London a series of the most spectacular athlete ever, 18 athletes. But how to go about like that, and still say a study, get major exposure is but did not win a medal. Meanwhile North Korea, a country so poor, but any time from their Beijing Olympic medals still, the London 2012 Olympics last three gold medals and a silver medal at the same number. Please tell the comrades, we asked one of their athletes engine to gain medals? An athlete's 56kg weightlifting class they replied: I strive to achieve a medal because I strive to return the favor, pay the late president Kim Chang Print and strictly advised President Kim Chang In . So we have to tell their propaganda very well, is extremely sensitive. They worship leader to such a degree. Thus, the Korean peninsula this special report comrades are those of China and other countries will have three. One is no war, no one wants war. If 5000 years, the world has experienced over 15,000 large and small wars and killing billions of people. And last month 7 probably many comrades have been grateful Comrade Cemetery, Truong Son Cemetery and especially Quang Tri Citadel Cemetery. Last July, I have to go back to Quang Tri Citadel, 40 years ago I fought there. Quang Tri Citadel now we did not know that all of Quang Tri Citadel 15,000 m2 of how many martyrs sacrificed, we re-evaluated more than 10,000 martyrs. Now we do not know exactly how many. A 15,000 m2 plot of land, I would like to say to Mr. scientists here, 15,000 m2 of land for 81 days and nights to endure 328 thousand tons of bombs, steel may also flow out. But only the people of Vietnam, the Vietnamese intellectual and layer Vietnamese students of many universities that are enlisted on. So I have to say with all the comrades of Quang Tri Citadel does not have a separate grave, you do not have a tablet but Quang Tri Citadel, 15,000 m2 was a common grave sheet of more than 10,000 officers and men it. A veteran Le Duong Province from Nha Trang to drop flowers for his team moved to write four verses: 

"Oh Thach Han Rouge next time 

Depths of the river which you are located, 

Contribute twenty waves specifically 

Open quiet beach forever thousand years " 

3  Nobody wants war. And North Korea and South Korea did not want war. Because of war, North Korea said the North Korean missile firing can not to U.S. Alaska Peninsula, but never hit the wrong, never miss, never miss the target of the United States, of Japan, South Korea's land on Japan and South Korea. That is what they say they do. Other countries they say little, they do not like one part, some local, some agencies make it clear how much more but do not. Second, the DPRK, the Korean peninsula is the intention of the reunified unwanted because if unified Korea will be close to the Chinese border. And now North Korea as a strategic buffer zone of China. Today I have to tell the comrades is an information, this year in December we will celebrate 40 years of the Dien Bien Phu victory in the air. Why Nixon a decree is made fights Linebacker II destroy Hanoi, Hai Phong. The rating for Hanoi, Hai Phong back to the Stone Age because the 1972 Nixon ping pong diplomacy over the Diaoyu Korea and Taiwan met with Mao Zedong. Two-party talks in the Diaoyu Dai What content do not know, but when it broke out his door Mao told Nixon sentence: The Chinese have a saying that "You do not touch me, do not touch to you. " This means that fought in Vietnam, except for the border - China. Well I say that to my little bit more about the Chinese comrades know. So we have to say North Korea has the second does not, the former is not the war, while the second is not uniform and the third is not without nuclear weapons. But the Chinese nuclear weapons is the most desirable but also North Korea they are determined to develop to become a nuclear power. I have to tell the comrades know, because the nuclear-armed country as an enemy that could knockout punch. See, I have made it clear to the comrades that. So is the fourth country I want to tell the comrades! 

And the fifth country I want to tell your comrades that he consecutive mountain, river line, the East Sea, to share friendship. Or is said as Mr. Ho Cam Dao: glass painting, the correlation, ideal interoperability, cultural similarities, destiny, correlation, stone hands, but his legs still lying around (laughter below). I must say so. Today I have to tell him here because he is the wisdom of the country and through the teacher related to thousands of students, so today I have to mention. Yesterday, Wednesday afternoon and Monday afternoon I told Sport University and today also a teacher of university sport. I must say so. My teacher here, I called him for it because we employed folk pedagogy, the most difficult job in all occupations, the mean is the most noble profession want to hear but it is the hardest job you want profession. Please answer with the teacher, he said if the cultural history of China, first Vietnam and China are consecutive mountain, river line, do not know any water formed before the country? That waiting for the archaeologists, historians. But in terms of historical records, China recorded more than us. I say record our more than 15 centuries. They scored from the 18th century BC the Shang period. And today I would like to say 6 characters. And through 6 character to each comrade self out is why the Chinese have such a culture, remains so. Hand with the legs on the ice. 

First, in 1776 BC, the way we near the 40th century. State Commercial first feudal state that has a character that is Mr. Khuong Tu Nha. And nearly 4000 years ago, in 1776 Mr. Khuong Tu Nha wrote a book, which is the "Metal Furniture prime". The book was basically known as water treatment. He asked little comrades to book can consist of six parts: the text is how the water sports, dancing and sports is the use of soldiers, military sports to discuss organized, tiger sports shows soldiers released games, sports newspaper tactical and athletic mastiff discuss military, it is Mr. Khuong Tu Nha. Said nearly 4000 years ago but they have such outstanding character. By the 7th century BC and later the 5th century BC, please tell the comrades have a second character that is Mr. Sun for which he later wrote soldiers called infantry legal Sun Tzu. Art Vu write War The Art of War Sun Tzu later recognized by the world. Sun Dance is the State Department, in a separation of powers of the State Department, his family Ton almost perished. And he was very lucky to escape in the forest. And eight years in seclusion in the forest he thought what he was doing, think what he has learned, thought he had done in the war and he wrote the military inventory. Later he hooked up with suicide is Great General Ngo country and to the country's military General Ngo he wrote military inventory. Legal entire infantry only 6000 word equivalent to our 15 pages of A4 paper, but a full on battle tactics and ideas not beat that win. The entire military inventory of Sun Tzu has 13 natural-called chapters, 13. Chapter 1 to Chapter 12 talks about infantry tactics used, Chinese movie we saw "solid hit grass" is a stratagem, "cicada molt" stratagem "draw the wood bottom of the pot" stratagem, " Shaking the tree threatening "tactics that are now on the East China Sea are performing some stratagem" wood draw the bottom of the pot "," shaking the tree to scare the monkey ", it vibrates wild. Please answer with the comrades. And this is using infantry tactics! As his 13th chapter, he did not talk about infantry tactics used, if talking about peaceful evolution to have a chance I will tell the comrades. I just told the editor of the newspaper in our entire country on the last 26 to August 28 in Da Nang on ideological tactics not beat that win, that is the evolution strategy peace. Sun Tzu from the 5th century BC was a stratagem of war beat that winning is good but not the best, do not hit that win was the best of the war. And the idea is not to hit that won him the ancient, who now, in the future will also be used. Four ways: one is money, two, three gold, four girls. Money-money-gold-girl-and-gold-son can demolish a political institution, down each monarch and fall tragedy of some of our staff, please tell the Comrade structured around each metal ring her money-money-gold-girl-and-gold-son, end (laughter below). This is the second character.

The third character would like to say to Mr. Tao Thao. Vietnamese people we do not like Mr. Tao Thao, right? Talking to each other is "skeptical as Tao Thao," but the Chinese Tao Thao praised him, why? Tao Thao said one sentence: It is better to have a bad reputation but never to harm us. And he also said: we have one, then we spare you ten, who do I spare you a hundred. And yesterday please report to the comrades, in a very narrow workshops, will in the specialized agencies of the General Intelligence Department, General Department of Security, the Border Guard Commander, Naval Command and so on. do not believe it. They have all kinds of stories and true as yesterday I wrote a review to include all of the information is the same, are returning a sentence as Mr. Tao Thao: It is better to have a bad reputation but never to harm us. While that deal was. I have to tell you know, including the University, student leaders here still with the propaganda of the enemy. Here to say to the members. 

The fourth character I wanted to tell his comrades that Mr. Ton Trung Son. In the history of the student teachers taught us, the last king left the Forbidden City in 1911, the last dynasty of Dai Qing emperor. From 1912 to 1927 Xinhai Revolution, in about 15 years that the Chinese nation army, than a lot of factions. And during that time, they have a character emerges that Ton Trung Son. Ton Trung Son at the time was the civil rights leaders of the bourgeois revolution. And at that time, the Chinese nation with 400 million people. Mr. Ton Trung Son had dreamed of building an army of 40 million people, and he said to two categories: strong military, the rich, the rich, the powerful military. Two categories of troops and the country, is in the country, right? Army is part of the water only but he put a strong military, the rich, the rich, the powerful military. I want to say so to the master note. 

The fifth character that I want to tell his comrades that is Mao Zedong. In the book "Mao Zedong - thousand years of sin" if the teacher if you want to understand the history of China would like to respectfully request that you here to read two books: a "metal flower dream", two "Mao Tse- East-thousand years of sin. " Two books about China and Chinese News Agency we loosely translated. Please answer with the comrades, in the book "Mao Zedong - thousand years of sin" by a Colonel China's National Defense Academy, former Secretary directly on the face of Mao Zedong's military says Deng told of the 21st century Mao wrote about how many questions, how many questions. And confirmed by the book of Mao Zedong three to seven, three, seven sins. His work was instrumental in leading national liberation revolution. He along with the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to expel the Japanese, Chiang drove to win civil rights bourgeois revolution. But he has seven sins. His crime was shown in 27 years as President of the Party, the President he killed 57.5 million people. Own cultural revolution, killing 21.5 million people to starve to death and freeze 36 million people. And in the lives of his revolution, he said a very famous sentence: The government hung on the tips of the gun. Please answer with the comrades: government hanging on the tips of the gun. Guns? The teacher must understand, the gun is dictatorship. Regime and dictatorship, slavery and dictatorship of slavery, feudal dictatorship of the feudal, bourgeois dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the proletariat with the dictatorship of the proletariat. But his Mao too abuse dictatorship, the gun abuse. He explained spawned government guns spawned faith, lay out win guns laying all. So all is in the gun. So he killed 57.5 million people. And economically through the jump Democratic iron and steel, he did damage the Chinese economy several billion yuan. Then please tell the comrades, Mao has three parts, the seven sins. 

Last character, please sir comrades, yesterday I also told the seminar Deng Xiaoping. Deng looks very small, very small. This means that if that look looks alone, if he he by which called did not know by then told that he is not worth doing. But that reveal his extremely hard, then again, then again, three times in the East Sea after Mao died. And Deng Xiaoping stand in Zhongnanhai, he began to launch four modernization, reform, reform, reform of China. He launched four modernizations: Modernization of agriculture, industry, science and military technology. And Deng, he came up with the slogan that we have to be very study.

Dear comrades, the strategic goals of Deng launched: - build a strong water-rich People's Republic of China recovered Taiwan. That way 100 years does not change. His working methods are given 24 words: silently observing bide your time, keep the fight, decided not to take the lead, grasp the opportunity, the village area. And Deng said working methods of the Chinese workers: a stone, two cats, three chickens, four fish. Comrades heard that laugh! One stone, two cats, three chickens, four fish. "A rock"? Today I said to the comrades to contact. A rock, each staff must have thought was a stone platform. Whose ideological foundation that they Marx, Mao thought. Second, the staff, the revolution is to be cautious as the red river. Heard the word "rock" seems to be there but their profound. "Two Cats" a protest, but it clearly explains the white cat or black cat, any cat that catches mice is a precious cat. "Three chicken", what is good for the Chinese people catch, catching, something beneficial to the Chinese Communist Party seized, what is beneficial to the Chinese military catch, capture opportunities. "Four fish", only four principles. And please tell the comrades, he is a person who presides over a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China, this what I said two object and then at the Institute of Politics. Preside over meetings of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China a resolution to teach Vietnam a lesson from 17-2 to 17-3 in 1979. Deng came up with some new concepts that I would like to emphasize two concepts. One is that he is offering the power of China to, sorry, Chinese goods to where the borders of China there. Chinese goods to where the borders of China to that! The concept of this border. The second concept, the Chinese naval strength to where the sea of ​​China to it. Thus, he said Chinese sea very wide, depending on the Navy's ability to plan. And Deng, 1997 he died. Before he died, he told his subordinates that: When he died his body bring cremated divided into three parts, a part to the church, laying down the Yangtze, the Yangtze River is China's largest river, the third part sprayed Sea. 

And I have to say from the problems that we see Deng initiated and burning desire of Mr. Deng is the symbol of China, the East Sea issue. And please tell the comrades, at present, by 2011 China's population is 1 billion 354 million people. China is now the world's second largest economy. Chinese living in the period of peaceful rise, remember comrades during peaceful rise, do not have to bide your time, just now see comrades parade their 60th anniversary in 2009 . But now China can not hide anymore, China is asserting itself to the world and they make peaceful rise. China is now one of the world's factory and the story of Libya in 2011, Syria in 2012, China's oil industry losses. Particularly Libya, Mr Gaddafi killed, reports the 77 comrades Chinese oil base is the revenue loss due to which China is now back with the intention of they were burning from the very ancient times it was to monopolize South China Sea in the shortest time. I suggest calling an overview of the world situation bit to figure comrades. Today's world you have to say is the world of all races and of all world countries, they belong to the long question, I have to say, they belong to the long question which I consider sleeping comrades soundly beating up and asked the comrades must answer that question: There is no eternal enemies, only interests nation is permanent. Today's world, all the countries they belong to one sentence: no permanent enemies, they are willing to shake hands with the enemy but to achieve their national goals. Yesterday was the object, today they can be partners, not enemies permanently, only national interests people is permanent. Because of this, I turned to the East Sea issue with the comrades. 

Please answer with comrades, says the sea, I would like a few strokes on the sea with the following comrades. When exposed to the sea, human society we approach the sea can be divided into three phases. The first stage is from the 15th century onwards, the period of the 15th century before the time of science and technology undeveloped man, so man is the use of the sea around the coast, where coastal use it, we do not see a role, the effect of the sea so no disputed question. I must say from the 15th century onwards. From the 16th century to the late 19th century and early 20th century due to the development of science and technology so that some marine issues have been raised. And the world has formed a number of powers of the sea: Spain, Portugal, England and Russia, the U.S., etc. And say to all the comrades if the total surface of our earth the sea is 510 million km2, accounting for 361 million km2 of, mean sea area and the ocean floating nearly 2 times the area of ​​our planet. The European, the land area that we here nothing more than a floating island about 1/3 of the sea area of ​​the earth's surface. And please tell the comrades, bring more sea biological resources are plentiful and varied. Then most of the minerals on the land, in the sea, the earth has huge reserves. And scientists in the world, please tell the comrades, sea bring clean energy can provide 12.6 to 13.6 billion kilowatts of electricity. And with more than 270 billion tons of salt water, releasing energy equivalent to 180 trillion tons of coal. To say the sea bring huge profits for our people. Because of that, please tell the comrades, from the 20th century, early 20th century the country began to struggle for superiority marine policy. I must say, the 15th century onwards it was not interested in the sea, but from the 16th century to the early 20th century saw huge marine resources. Please answer with the comrades to say purely in terms of traffic, traffic on the end of the 20 the maritime traffic only lost one contract, which means low marine traffic in one part 20. So we look at these figures we can see the sea brought a great resource. And because of that but would like to say to Mr. countries started fighting best books about the sea. And since the world began appearing island sovereignty disputes. 

First we go back, in 1982 the Argentine Malvinas Islands dispute, the British have over thousands of kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean to the Argentine Malvinas Islands. Then on the way regional disputes island of Cyprus, and the disputed region Hanish Islands, Peninsula alone, Hanish is just not the island peninsula and the Horn of Africa. Then Kuril, reports comrades, after the 2nd World War, the Soviet Union kept entire peninsula Kuril because before it belonged to Japan before the Second World War. But after destroying one million two thousand Kuril Kwantung Army, is due to the former Soviet Union and now Russia management. Diaoyu then, comrades report, Diaoyu it is called in China but the Japanese call Senkaku. And Dokdo abbreviated two words only, Japan called Takeshima but South Korea called Dokdo. Then our Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, etc. And especially the disputed Arctic region today. Report comrades, Russia, Norway, Denmark, the U.S., Canada Arctic sovereignty disputes. August 2007, Russia dropped beer sovereignty Arctic Sea to Russia's claim to an area of ​​400 thousand km2. So we must say that the current maritime disputes is not a region, a country that takes place on a global scale. Why is this so? I recall a saying: no permanent enemies, only interests nation is permanent. Every place has their benefits are disputed. Must say so, not irrational. This report comrades so. 

Now go back to the East Sea. Comrades, our Sea, have said the East Sea is one of a number of beach in the entire Asia Pacific region in particular and the entire continent in general. That the East Sea, please tell the comrades, to talk about the resources of the East Sea, there are a number of issues as follows. Sea has an area of ​​exactly are 3 million, four hundred and 47 thousand km2, we call roughly 3.5 million km2, ease off as 3.5 million km2. And the South China Sea, would say to the comrades, relevant to 9 coastal countries: China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, etc. 9 countries. And two large and important area is the Gulf of Tonkin and Gulf of Thailand. That, to say the East Sea is. And please tell the comrades, there are many rare minerals, rich seafood etc ... and international maritime routes. I have to tell the comrades know, I have to use the overview image it easy. This Sea is particularly important position ... (whispered to someone, can not hear). 

Dear comrades, the East Sea covers an area of ​​about 3.5 million km2, in terms of resources, the East Sea can comment on three areas. One is traffic, two and three is economic security and defense. Comrades we look at the diagram we see the East Sea as the world's second largest after the Mediterranean. On busy sea traffic is the second in the world after the Mediterranean. Every day there are about 200 to 300 ships of about 5000 tons or more activities. And when it comes to traffic, 90% of the U.S. 7th Fleet in the Pacific Ocean are to technical logistics resupply through the East Sea, 70% of Japanese goods must go through the South China Sea operations. 70% to 80% of China's goods must go through the South China Sea. Therefore, we must say the East Sea has huge economic value, in terms of huge traffic. Therefore, the report comrades, the South China Sea has such an important position. Report comrades, so we can see the South China Sea on a transport to say is extremely important, in economic terms, the entire South China Sea we see, in the judgment of the United States is the East Sea reserves 50 billion tons of oil, accounting for 19% of the world's oil reserves. So great Sea. It's about economics. On national defense and security, please tell the comrades, but now the entire operation of the United States in the Pacific region is depending on the East Sea. Especially for China, please tell the comrades, the East Sea is located in a strategic axis two doors, is the north-south axis that is north to south, and the east door is the Pacific Ocean, and west by India China's Yang. China is currently no global strategy but China is a strategic axis two doors. Such as defense and security with China is very important. Second, on national defense and security in the East Sea Philippines here in the Philippine-American military alliance. And Thailand is Thai-American military alliance. And to say the East Sea is very fiercely disputed area of ​​many forces affecting this area. So we have to say the East Sea is valuable in terms of traffic, economically and in terms of national defense and security.

In the East Sea, there are nine countries involved, but especially for our Vietnam, this S-shaped strip of land that the comrades know. But in the East Sea as well especially with two Paracels and Spratlys as the axis, as is the heart, as if the core of the East Sea. So it is especially important. Today I invited the comrades look like this to the comrades envisioned Sea important for us to do! And please tell the comrades when it comes to the East Sea, I say three countries, water is 3. One is American, the U.S. said, the international defense and security experts said the U.S.: East Sea No. 1 in Southeast Asia, who captured the South China Sea, it was No. 1. Japan said: the East Sea is the sleeper region's economic ... (can not hear) the throat. China is not the number 1, not the throat again, said his China: East Sea is the gateway to the south, is vital space to feed their children many thousands of lives. See comrades, the gateway to the south, space survival feed several thousand descendants of Chinese life. So we have to say the East Sea is extremely important. Dear comrades, said the East Sea, the country we have seen our country so is the entire length of our country 63 provinces and cities, there are now 23 provinces and cities is related to the East Sea. First of all I would talk about the East Sea this place a little while to figure comrades. Historically, the Paracels and Spratlys, if the teacher needs propaganda materials for the students, I will provide. But today I say very brief, brief only. Before the 17th century, the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa the two derelict islands, no one. Early 17th century, the Nguyen lords send a team out Paracel Islands fishing and seafood at the ship sunk brought back are filing with the court. Mid-17th century brought a team of Changsha. Thus it is confirmed before the 17th century is derelict but from the early 17th century to the latter is considered the Nguyen feudal dynasties of Vietnam we manage. And after this our French invasion in 1858, the French receiving the Paracel Islands and the Paracel Islands from the hands of the Nguyen Dynasty. It must be made clear to the comrades imagine so. And when it comes to history, I must say more with comrades places like this. 

Before the 17th century, the islands Hoang Sa and Truong Sa the derelict islands. In the middle of the first half of the 17th century, the Nguyen has held the Hoang Sa, taken in An Vinh village, Binh Son district, Quang Ngai Paracels to collect goods, fishing in the shipwreck to bring imperial tribute. Meanwhile Paracel sites linked a range including Hoang Sa and lower the Spratlys. First half of the 17th century, the Nguyen Lords held a North Sea Fleet took the village from Government, Canh Duong Commune, Binh Thuan license shall act as the Paracel Islands. Nguyen activities in the Paracel and Spratly Islands not only save the in the Nguyen document that is now stored in the document Britain's Royal Museum. And please tell the comrades, that all the kings, the boats of the State Bar through the Paracel and Spratly Islands have to pay taxes on the Nguyen Dynasty. And when we, July 25, 2012 Dr. Mai Ngoc Hong was given the National History Museum map "Yellow million online geographical map", has confirmed that. Maps "Yellow million online geographical map" is published by Dai Qing Beijing in 1004 and reprinted in Shanghai in 1910 and confirmed that Hainan is the southernmost end of the state General Thanh. Well, to tell the comrades. Currently stored in Vietnam, not only kept at the National Museum of England must be confirmed with such comrades. 

And by the way I also have to say always, his last as some of my friends and all the scientists involved huge workshop and we translated from the original Chinese, some Chinese scientists also objected to the employment of the so-called China. Today, here, and many scientists here, I read some comments of scientists. One is a scientist Professor Truong Ky Pham law Peking University Institute said: We draw the line 9 without a longitude, latitude particular, there is no legal basis, the ninth line is more than 80% of the South China Sea is China's own set. Little bit more I would like to invite fellow at the ninth line. Order Flowers - Chinese Studies, Oceanographic information center of China written in past workshops: A man must know to keep a mistress, we are people, not wild animals living in the jungle. In the relationship between people not only know how to love myself, but certainly have to include the interests of others ". If the meaning of the ninth line is drawing national borders close to sea Philippines - Philippines - Malaysia - Brunei ... so I believe the country can not be accepted if the South China Sea, China has always called the East Sea South China Sea and would recommend the Vietnamese teacher who we do not use the term South Sea. If in any case to use the term South Sea, to explain as I do. China called Nanhai but they have always called the East Sea. If Nanhai be drawn into such a sea of ​​China, other countries have maritime transport needs will certainly not acceptable and so we will be disputed forever. We are living in the world where people have to rely on each other to survive. We want to live well should let others live. Professor Ha Quang Ho, Institute of Philosophy of the University of the Chinese People's writing: his rights (China) need to be recognized by others, others not admit he does not have the right. Professor Zhang Tu Quang - Sichuan University wrote: I disagree with the kind of international political act according to the law of the jungle, need to be resolved according to international law and the Law of the Sea in 1982. So we must say, we use all this information under both domestic and foreign for us to imagine. 

Vietnam's sea so we as I said is very long. And for so long that Vietnam's sea, so we must be calculated on the basis of international legal three parts. A is the area of ​​the Gulf of Tonkin and the other is the South Central region and the third is the South West. Then please tell the comrades that I first talked about the baseline. Dear comrades when talking about the Law of the Sea, the first is the early years of the 20th century the country began fighting for the rights of the world's seas and formed two opinions. First Opinion seas of all nations. Second Opinion agreed to joint sea of ​​all countries but the countries in coastal waters of yourself first so that the Law of the Sea in 1958. And the Law of the Sea 1958 regulations from the baseline, these comrades look on the red line is the baseline. The baseline is the line? The baseline is the line connecting the islands near shore coastal and low tide water level, called the baseline. And the Law of the Sea 1958 regulations from the baseline to the sea only a sea of ​​islands territorial sea and contiguous zone of 12 nautical miles. That is, I repeat, from the baseline to the sea under the Law of the Sea in 1958 each country has the coast, there is only one coastal waters which is 12 nautical miles, including the territorial sea and contiguous zone . But then the socialist countries is very strong both a combat system so that in 1982, 159 countries meeting in Jamaica including China and the U.S., starting the second law is the Law of the Sea in 1982. Well, to tell the life history. Law of the Sea 1982 marine regulations each country, like Vietnam coast 5 to sea. I for example this is the baseline, Khanh Hoa example, this is the baseline. From baseline to the land known as internal waters. National inland areas such as land use rights. 

In short we say na internal waters such as ponds in our garden. The second region is the territorial waters, the territorial sea from the baseline toward the sea 12 nautical miles. Each one nautical mile is 1856 meters. The third area is the contiguous area, measured from the outer edge of the territorial waters of the sea 12 nautical called contiguous. Fourth area is the exclusive economic zone from the baseline towards the sea 200 nautical called the exclusive economic zone. Well, must say it is always fourth region. And fifth region is the continental shelf. Dear comrades, the continental shelf is measured from the edge of the water for the rest of the exclusive economic zone and the exclusive economic zone stretching. It must explain a little comrades. This is the continental shelf, the continental shelf from the edge of the water here on the ocean floor until the end of this place called the legal continental shelf and this period is called the continental shelf extends legal. And extends from this place to this 350 nautical miles. This is international law. In the case of national waters overlapping bilateral negotiation, the two parties are called overlapping. This overlapping of mutual negotiations, for example, Vietnam has overlapping with China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Thailand, the two sides to sign bilateral negotiations issues acceptable. Voila, I would like to say to Mr. international law such provisions. And I must say he was in international law from the baseline or legality is only the floating island is not shallow beaches, or coral, or is the beach that we up sovereign rights. It must clearly state so. 

Then the sea of ​​Vietnam is divided as follows. The first is the Gulf of Tonkin, reported comrades, the Gulf of Tonkin was divided between the island of Con Co took home the tip of Hainan Island and is divided from the specific Ca Long river in such a way that on the the gender line. And if the division like this, Vietnam 53%, China 47% less because China's marine. And in this division there is an area known as the shared, common areas. It must clearly state so. And report to the press, the share until October 25, 2012, ah sorry, December 25, 2010, we finished up with China. Report comrades was started in the last 10 years: 2000 to 2010. So divide the Gulf of Tonkin. 

Yesterday the vice commander of the Naval Command chief of staff stated always from the time we signed with China how, then please tell the comrades, activities of Chinese vessels entering the our territorial waters in the Gulf of Tonkin down. Our course guarantees you very much, must be said that very role. For example, they go to their exploitation drilling like this: one of their tugs towing the rig, the tug of them pulled their rigs, cable extends 10 kilometers. Whose 10-kilometer time within them, we see that car it's crab, within large container, until it cornering it into our waters. The style is like that. Then yesterday the comrades, I must say, Mr. Deputy Commander Chief of users also use this image, it must be explained that way. They exploit this example but they kept the door into our waters, the report clearly is like, kind of "shaking the tree to scare the monkey". 

The South West, please tell the comrades here that the South West, it's very complicated. Report comrades it relates to Phu Quoc Tru Stock Island, etc. This is what our Phu Quoc Island. This is the historic waters which Vietnam has signed with Cambodia in 1982. Why do we sign? After 1978 we save the Cambodian people from the genocidal yoke so the water is so history. Comrades, today they are demanding, they are opinions and now we have to rely on the street BRE Geneva. This line is the critical line. The way this is the way that the French have signed international conventions since 1939. I see it's just as this near real but also because the people of Vietnam, land soil, rivers galaxy broadcast, live here for a long time they will be held instead. Report comrades so ... it's very complicated. 

Now the foreign invasion of the action, then please tell the comrades, here is my review of the agreement with the Naval Command and consistent with the relevant agencies, today I told the teacher here called the nation's gas resources and know, I have to say is the nation's air resources so I say all, I'm not hiding anything. Currently acting foreign invasion, foreign, but more (the whole) is China, I mean more than jog, but not most. More than most and is different here. 

More (all) China. A propaganda they promote East Sea is to create a legal framework for international, it is their first job. The second is to promote investment in upgrading the area occupied especially Hoang Sa, little more inviting comrades will see the image. Third is to prevent destructive activities of our economy in the East Sea. Wednesday is to promote fishing creating traditional fishing areas. Thursday, exploration, surveying, tender areas of our marine resources. Friday, looking for ways to lower the drilling platform on the sea of ​​me if I did not stop in time. Saturday is accounted Shoals of us in case we do not have the key, if we at first xenh it always robbery. And ultimately dominating the East Sea. Well, to be clear, too. All of these actions I have to say that the actions of many nations but China is more. Shall report their actions comrades invade our sea is illustrated by the following image: They give the so-called line 9 the absurd, this place. 11 to October 15, 2011, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong our visit to China at the invitation of Mr. General Secretary, President Hu Jintao. Hu said the ninth line is left by the Kuomintang, the Communist Party of China have made, China new people. Comrade Hu ... well ... our Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong said always. Hu has an end, Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong said always: The comrades say is not true. Kuomintang to the 11th paragraph, the comrades deleted two paragraphs, it is a. Kuomintang to Taiwan independence, the comrades are deleted Taiwan. 

I have always been so clear. And all the nine songs of them are illustrated as follows. If the area of ​​the East Sea 3.5 million km2, the U-shaped line of their 3.2 million km2. Complete our Paracels would like to say to the comrades say exactly the Paracel Islands from Danang 390km, the same report said even if still in the continental shelf of us. In 2007, my first workshop with mining corporations drilling precisely Paracel Islands Kuomintang occupied a number of other islands in 1947. But now our documents do not say much, I just said according to the information that in 1956 China invaded the eastern peninsula. Why in 1956 occupied the peninsula on the east by the stars, then France had just lost the war, Saigon puppet troops have not taken over all so empty island on the east, China accounted for. In 1974, after the United States signed the Paris Agreement in 1973, the U.S. Navy should draw very young and poor China that quickly took the opportunity to conquer the entire group of islands to the west. There, comrades reports, is that the entire Paracel Islands. Is precisely to February 1974, China invaded finished Paracel Islands from the hands of the Saigon puppet troops. They put the naval headquarters on the island of Phu Lam, reports comrades because of the Paracel Islands, Woody Island is the largest island of them. Well, the Woody Island there, but now they have to build a headquarters on the island of Phu Lam so, very modern. 

This day said University of Sports is not today say more because this is the national gas resources should be added. Panorama Woody Island they have a runway, the report he was 2700m long and 120m wide. Complete reporting Woody port bustles comrades Cross rocks, if the comrades previously looked at the screen on the left and right now they build a house floating on it. The floating rocks Chau Vien, then on the rocky Reef, report comrades, Reef Reef little more I would say. Reef Reef 64 own our navy soldiers on a transport train who died heroically on the rocky Reef. On Durable homes on rocky Caven then cutting action cables, reports comrades, yesterday Mr Deputy Chief of Staff Navy, well, vice chief of naval commanders also say why this cable cut by because Congress also questioned the navy to go to cut the cable? Because please tell the comrades also by economic calculation Comrades. I'm here I just tell reviews of comrades, comrades say it is time that the National Oil and Gas Group said that, mining exploration Nose Consulate General 120 nautical miles between the exclusive economic zone we should not need protection, it may cut the cable. Place doing Reply to protect it until now. The second cable is cut train our Vicking. The navy with the 10th but the 9th Petro already carried out should it proceed when our probe cable at a depth of 10 meters when detected, the lower the depth of 30m but it still cut the cable. And report to the comrades, although known as the main fishing vessels or their fishing vessel but their speeds are greater than our naval vessels. Then unreasonable China unilaterally ordered no-fishing zone from 1st May 6 to May 1 8 years, then please tell the comrades so. 

Planning map of China's oil and gas exploration in the East Sea. Comrades found everywhere in China fully. And, most recently, bidding them make nine oil blocks gas, reports comrades, Lot 9 there. 9 of the lots we are researching and 9 blocks are in our continental shelf, exclusive economic zones of us. The entire South China Sea, especially the Spratly Islands of us, now, comrades report, the Paracels, the Chinese government has invaded finished in 1974. And all of our Spratly Islands currently has 5 water ... well sorry ... 4 5 sides can point stationed: Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and China, another side is Taiwan (this is the flag of Taiwan). Report comrades, Vietnam we currently maintain closing 33 troops, 33 points, is the largest, China ... China this (pointing to the map). So we look at this map, we see not our enemy on one side and one side that is a lot of parking areas, comb set together, very difficult to resolve, not a country where a lot of water. Well, please tell the comrades that way. As such, I have provided all the comrades such situation. So now in terms of the way our perspective is. This is the core ones to guide the teacher and the student teacher to transmit fire it. 

Please answer with cognitive comrades said that when dealing with problems of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa or the East Sea situation, we are not allowed to be pointing his stick at one side that the current penchant is just focus on each of his China. Please answer with the comrades if we just focus on his every Chinese he is absolutely not true, not exactly where to put the Vietnamese in the overall relationship with China, Vietnam and the United States, and Vietnam Men with ASEAN countries.

Dear brothers and sisters , teacher, educators, managers, today I am clearly of opinion we have to say, first of all China, we have two things should not be forgotten. One must not forget, for more than 1,000 years of Chinese domination, less than two dozen times, the Chinese feudal dynasties had invaded Vietnam. From the Sui, Tang, the Song Dynasty, the Ming, the Yuan, great bar, great no matter what age they are Dai Viet "for it moral injecting any protest, for any complete armor plates" ... beat underground pipe water escape. It is clear that we have to our national pride. Slightly sad that our young students today do not know the history. Comrades that if student management that summarizes the history of it breath a little afraid to contact me, I would like glass courtesy comrades. Vietnamese national history very compact, 39 A4 pages invite students, students, remember, there are 39 pages only. There are so many have told me in the book but only. This is a. The second thing we must not forget that in December 1950 we won the border campaign, opened the border of Vietnam and China. And in the 4 years of the war against France, 21 against the U.S., the Chinese people, the Chinese government has been giving rice sawn shirt for us from rice, from guns, from our sandals to win in the U.S. war against France and won. So do not forget they have invaded us, but we also must not forget they used to give rice to cut clothes for us. I can not be within the grace by definition, this is for China two things should not be forgotten. 

Second, with the United States. Please answer with the comrades in the special education students and youth American comrades remember never, never and never real good to us. Must say always. If this has a good site, have praised us there, supporting us about SCS nothing because their interests. They are doing a "drop the iron, catch perch". They never real good to us, their crimes heaven and earth. I said to the comrades know, in the field of education and training today let me be clear always, I say this, I am little bit more to say but I want to say, with reports at the fellow professionals military, and economic experts said they are with us, please tell the comrades for our education and training, they said something like this thinking comrades: To change Viet Nam, the U.S. should be based on economic and gray matter of the Vietnamese youth to education and training in the United States and the West. And they claim the education is the shortest way to improve the image of Vietnamese Americans in the eyes of future generations. Through education and training is the shortest path, the most effective way to improve the American image in the eyes of the younger generation of Vietnamese. So one of nine American front line doing peaceful evolution in the field of our education and training. Well, I must say so. So, with China, with the United States. 

With a third of the ASEAN community. We never give the link block. Vietnam is one of the ten member countries of ASEAN, we have to rely on three pillars: an economic, two is sociocultural and three is national defense and security. Then there are three pillars to our mounting blocks. That is the general view. Dear comrades, for Americans, the East Sea, with China from three perspectives on our implementation of the 3 is not lost. What is not the first loss is the sovereignty and sovereign rights. Sovereignty and sovereign rights are sacred, inviolable. 

Please answer with the comrades in 1077, the river has sounded: the River South-South King Mountain in books, it was clarified, so we flew to infringement, they would be beaten to by flight. This is the assertion of sovereignty and sovereign rights of our country first. 13th century King Tran Nhan Tong is one of the king he's proving the Tran advises and please tell the comrades that he repeated all the gods Vietnamese citizen and today all the raw air of our country, please tell the comrades, now is a gas state, gas destined prosperity for the country air so today is strong, prosperous country, I would like to read his iPhone projector Tran Nhan tone to the national gas resources, to invite Mr. hear. He said: "You do not forget, the new large countries do the dirty, immoral because they give her the right to say one way to another, so the age-old art of we as drought ensemble". 13th century King Tran Nhan Tong reminds us the ancient art of is drought ensemble. "So you have to remember what I told you: an inch of the land of our ancestors to leave is not to fall into the hands of others. I left a message there as an eternal testament to the children of tomorrow. " It was the 13th century. 15th century, after military victory Minh, Le Loi handed Nguyen Trai wrote "Reviews of corn statement": "As the water from there, which claim to civilization for a long time, mountains and rivers residential area was divided, customs north-south as well. Dinh, Le, Ly, Tran building independence, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan are themselves a hero. Oil and intensity at different times, but each time throughout masterpiece ". Therefore, this is also the sovereignty and sovereign rights. Ky Dau spring of 1789, King Quang Trung also mentioned: "Mark your hair for long, brushing the teeth to black, we inject morality any protest, beating them armor plates complete, dedicated to the tri Nam national hero more property owners, highly recognized South heroes have all ". On 2-9-1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence affirmed the sovereignty and sovereign rights. December 19, 1946, calls for national resistance of Physicians also assert sovereignty and sovereign rights. In the the total main plot of customs chief of China cut the cable ship Binh Minh 2 and Vicking 2 of us, President Nguyen Minh Triet on Co To Island in Quang Ninh and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in Nha Trang also confirmed Vietnamese people are very popular peaceful but determined to bring the full power of their people to protect all our island's sovereignty. 

So the first thing is not lost sovereignty and sovereign rights. The second thing is not losing it's peaceful environment, second and first in conflict with each other, so please tell the comrades not lose its sovereignty and sovereign rights but the highest priority is to keep lips peace. In the current situation must remain peaceful environment. To war, said to the press so hard. These teachers know our country is chaos at work, which is the central Resolution 3 reorganization economy, the Central Resolution 4 a number of urgent issues on Party building, the Central Resolution 5 4 conclusions and resolutions are so many problems, is to fight an enemy, that enemy is invisible but very harm that the invaders. Now report to the press, a lot of people ask found a sick, drug loading was then, but that one pill first? Find the person then, drug loading right then, tell the patient, but the patient does not drink. Trouble! Report as comrades. So please tell the comrades, within our country, macroeconomic, microeconomic, internal, external, so for now the highest priority to keep the environment peace. 

I will report this to the comrades, do not know how the teacher but I get so many phone calls, you go to China is not, you have a fight or not, etc. I say keep going, to push with ginseng good time to buy but, something that does not come. The do things. I said to the comrades, although their legs kicked but we must know to avoid. So the second not take a peaceful environment. The third is not lost that love unites two peoples. Said this, pout, have no sympathy. Anyway please tell the comrades, history for a nation we have to live next to the water told they thought big, not ideology, they are real big. Say how ideas are, they are really large. Their population is 1 billion 354 million people, we have 87 million, they are real big, thought themselves sure of water, they are great, not mind, really! In the long history of around 20 times they invaded us that. Comrades [grade] "Object 2", I was invited to see the war comrades February 79 How. The teacher also see specific images, how evolution because when I was in the Institute for more information, which provides full, so I have made it clear to the teacher so. So it's not like the boat, was not an apartment, not like in My Dinh, to Linh Dam, like Linh Dam is about Trung Hoa Nhan Chinh, not like in the Red River, the river that code in . Please sir, order history so we, miss advised of specific past: "First, carefully, second rolling resistance", "Missing you away from buying close neighbors", and "Sell you away from buying close neighbors "," Missing you away from close neighbors. " We have to accept. 

So we have to study our fathers. Report comrades, a story that history has taught us prompted the Le guillotine name Lieu Thang, Lieu Thang name is a minister brought 10 thousand troops for military aid. The Le slashing death but then the annual Le casting a golden statue in Lieu Thang head to air tribute to the star hospitality keep forever is not war. Of course now I do not have to tribute so, but we must affirm equality very clear as 3 not so. Four avoid. Avoid military confrontation as military confrontation led to the war, second avoid confrontation comprehensive. Report comrades now the Ministry of Education and Training, 11 to 15 October 2011 the past, the General Secretary to visit China at the invitation of President Hu Jintao - General Secretary of the Communist Party of China . I still sign education cooperation with China. So we must say that we avoid military confrontation, avoid confrontation comprehensive. The third avoid is besieged avoid isolation. Other Chinese diplomatic them we report the comrades I tell a story. When Hu the APEC 2011 through 10 African countries, invited 10 heads of Africa to visit Beijing, visit playboy finished, Hu Jintao signed an aid to decision no 10 this country $ 16 billion of that. They say they do. They say they are. Now I have children: I I I made you this, its little brother well behaved: Oh I lam.Nhung that say we give it a little money and I give you this and for always, it energetically. We have to see clearly so. Let so diplomatic them now, diplomatic strength. And I said, if we read some of the online magazine, security world, now many African countries especially China they are evaluating a new form of colonial style, wracking African countries are very large. And our country for my comrades ... (can not hear) not besieged isolation. 

And a fourth that is not dependent on foreign countries. First to avoid a military confrontation, avoid second first comprehensive, avoid third besieged isolated, and avoiding foreign dependence fourth, 3 4 not avoid. Action to fight resolutely and firmly culminating report comrades, our General Secretary to take the other states, and it clear to Hu that: Hoang Sa and Truong Sa of Vietnam South. Vietnam has sufficient historical and legal basis, the comrades do not agree, my comrades in the international court. International courts handle how I accept it. General Secretary has been confirmed as that. Is so determined then, not veiled at all, do not be shy do not avoid anything. And just then the latest struggle is the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Minister of Defense, Deputy Chief of Chinese answered very clearly: the problem of Vietnam. Firm but be patient. Report comrades told now claim the Paracels is very difficult, now it was up it was built on the insurance claim is very difficult but I still have to ask. Report the teacher, now I preach where I'm sure the older tools of the ancestors of the population to where the money for the oil, where gold but then to be told that the children of our family have the same with people throughout the country to contribute to them asking for the Paracel Islands, another part of the Spratlys, should claim. Determination, perseverance, prudence. Smart means not to war, do not collide, just avoid. His father taught: Avoid the elephant is not bad. Just avoid it, even when not avoided, you will have claims: although there lives like roses, when enemy forces holding the gun. Must say so, right? Be avoided. Determined, persistent, smart, provocative, provocative bait and determined struggle by peaceful means. I also would like to say to the fellow here, personnel information session today, I also have to remind. 

Please answer with the comrades from 2007 to date in the area of ​​Hanoi, this is information of Comrade Colonel Dr. Bach Thanh Dinh, deputy director of Hanoi police just yesterday workshop with us. I would also like to inform the comrades know. In 2007 we have 4 times, 4 demonstrations against China. In 2007, there were 2-3 rally took place on 9-12, 16-12, and 23-12, mostly schools, some students of some universities, the major component some students of some universities, for permission not to be named specifically. Not my name comrades told me where, where I can, very complex. I keep saying is that it is like school, please tell the comrades students to manage. But now our students are the university, the comrades said you said it was the one the other, the current management with the school teacher, the teacher was a student, other than my generation 69-70 students. At that time, we have a dorm room 100% of management students, students now only manage a major part of it is she is self-sufficient. Report comrades what their slogan is: Defend the country, Paracel Islands, Vietnam, Changsha - Vietnam, Hoang Sa, Truong Sa is the flesh and blood of Vietnam etc. ... Then they sing "As Uncle Ho in on the fun of winning "," Wake up my dear fellow, "etc. 

Especially in 2011 with 11 illegal protests, started spontaneous activity of students, students with a number of universities and colleges. Report comrades here the causality is from students, students from other universities. This is the master, the "leader", the teachers here have to understand, spread call for street demonstrations in front of the Embassy, ​​on the Internet. The report said their comrades priority patriot, against China in particular there are some people who have, I would say to the comrades, may be working, may be retired I do not know, maybe the teacher know. For example, Dr. Nguyen Quang A, Professor Nguyen Dong Yen, Professor Pham Duy Hien, writer Nguyen [Pham] Xuan Yuan, Professor Hui Chi, etc. Well, also participated. I mentioned this to the teacher research. Report comrades, the situation is complex in that example, September 18, 2011 in order to test the reaction of the Hanoi government has about 20 people divided into groups at the Ly Thai To Monument area, Coast region Hoan Kiem Lake to probe directly, maintaining the reaction gathered. Notably, the 9th, 9 am October 16, 2011, Bui Thi Minh Hang objects in Ba Ria - Vung Tau with 17 people gathered at the Ngoc Son Temple behavior yelling, cursing, rolled out slanderers robbers shook gold and so on ..., cut blood suicides etc. ... very complex action. 

In 2012, since July 1 th 4 illegal demonstrations. I must say always, call for protests, the content is called for marches against China, supporting the Law of the Sea Vietnam and so on ... and so on ... Please tell the comrades who are blatantly on the facebook page ... ( can not hear) calls for protests to demand his petition dismissed it, his discipline other etc. Please tell the comrades, this is the work of a small part of students only, but the majority of students , our students as well. And some very small portions but it is taking advantage of this issue to that mess, but that patriotic time. I told the comrades, some protesters was writing volunteers Hoang Sa and Truong Sa to whether to go or not then again called me joint pain, cry me a stomachache. Report comrades just sit boat from the nearest islands of the Spratlys only took 3 nights 4 days and then, do not have to ... (can not hear). But it for tens of thousands to one the other. 

Please tell the comrades, this is a matter of great note. And now any one country, too, the youth force, force students to intellectuals, is the mainstay of the country. And the hostile forces are taking advantage of this issue to stir up this issue, so ... (can not hear) the problem to how disturbing the situation. Through sessions like to respectfully request that the teacher, the comrades of the management students to do well. And please tell the comrades defense strength of Vietnam, in addition to the will of our people also actively weapons procurement. Navy now has five arms, that my comrades to check out some of our naval forces, the strength of our forces. Vietnam's defense power for little S300 missiles ... but also some of the comrades who have studied at the Defense Security Objects 2, Political Academy until the regiment see S300 then, over 23 to S300 and. Lock my memory key see pictures, see the Rector of the University of Medicine would have gone to see S300. Then we are also SU27, and SU30, and SU30, MK2 and for all. We have all kinds of tanks, armored vehicles, enough. We have all kinds of missiles, ships, buy rocket ship escort. Then we have submarines, submarine next will be full, 2014 (loud smiled hall). But please little ones comrades to protect the country alone, not the ones to go to work it the other. Best is to but please sir comrades to exercise their right to self-defense is not the best to use. I must say, buy it but do not have to use the best. Longer used, please say to the he was reluctant thousands of. So I have to tell the comrades know the situation of our country today we are implementing many waters. Situation of the South China Sea, said the East Sea, but please tell the comrades have not always peaceful all because all are from the nation profits from one problem another problem. So would like to say to all the comrades, in all the problems that I want to tell the comrades is that this is a problem that we must pay special attention to how the management of the organization of us, to how we manage people, we managed to get all of us. And hope that through this study session, not called learning, which is the information for us to better understand the basic information of our party to lead and direct a team of students, students in their powers. I report to the press, a number of key invited me, a number of universities, one province other provinces invited me to go, I should go. Comrades, I hear you say that I invited him to go, I must go. So please tell the comrades that we understand such a situation to do with political comrades with optical label, deep thinking, intellectual savvy sure we will have trust and confidence-building. And through the trust of comrades will contribute to, a leader, two are directing staff and students, their sovereignty so that we do well the problems that perform security tasks their country.

Firstly we have to trust in the leadership of our Party, the administration of the Government, trying to do so do not let these problems disrupt political security, social order and safety. And today, comrades, I also pride boldly, if any university student to participate in illegal protests first cons belonging to Mr. Rector and School Board, before all belonging to the Party Secretary, the student manager of the University. If police to Hanoi or etc ... people keep their students, they see it every other teacher, in one school in another school to get his students, it is cons our. And I hope that all of you with responsibility and trust us, we will not let the case that happens. Dear comrades are in the framework of the afternoon two hours so, I believe, first of all thank the comrades and finally propose a text comrades only, that is: concentric, comrades, agreement, consensus and co do, have to do it no other way. Concentric, comrades, agreed, unanimously, to do, to do more than talk, but somewhere we say more, which with little comrades do not let people tell us ... (can not hear) do not make so. Please answer with the comrades, if during the presentation of what I have not met, first of all thank the comrades, scientists, leaders and comrades of tolerance because Professor My range level if nothing negligence would the comrades sympathy. Thank you! (Applause) 

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