
Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 9, 2012

Mail communion with the Most Venerable Thich Khong Tanh, Head Lien Tri pagoda, Saigon. Father Nguyen Kim Dien Group and Viet Nam Redemptorist 29-09-2012



Dear to fellow Vietnam and adherents of all religions. Please spread. We sincerely thank you.
Father Nguyen Kim Dien group

Mail communion with the Most Venerable              Thich Khong Tanh,
              Lien Tri Pagoda, Saigon.
          Father Nguyen Kim Dien group


- Thich Khong Tanh,
- You Monks and Buddhist Temple Lien Tri.

            We are deeply shocked, sad and angry when reading Appeals letter that venerable sent to the Communist central government and local authorities on September 17, 2012.

            In the spirit of the communion of the Church and link Vietnam to fight for a free and democratic human rights, especially religious freedom, The Father Nguyen Kim Dien we send to Venerable and monks along Buddhist temple Lien Tri sentiments are as follows:

            1 - The protest inhumane policies of the Communist government.

            How long from now, we know: the General Department of Social Services Charity of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, Venerable Buddhist Monks quarter Temple Tri-thanks to the support of benefactor friends near and far-had regularly hold relief for the poor, elderly, sick, injured brothers Republic of Vietnam veterans and former prisoners of conscience distress. Especially Venerable made this compassion in the spirit of inter-religious, the presence of many members of the clergy of other religions. It was nice and meaning very extremely!

            Communist authorities ought to appreciate the support and this gesture, because it is the people of a hand bandaged the wounds of society. However, rather than follow the example of their ancestors which each provide the means, take the press who treat foreign invaders defeated, instead of imitating the people of the United States have completely remove all hatred and policy sides won fine side failed after the North-South war (1861-1865), the Communist party and the government continues to feed hatred, get hung wreak terrible treated with southern regime, fellow siblings, special especially fall, discrimination, oppression Republic of Vietnam wounded. Specifically, when venerable institutions invited to dinner, gifts for the ill-fated brother was in the Lien Tri Temple or elsewhere, local authorities and local police are trying to prevent, terrorism and dispel chase, when stopped, robbery and assault them. Moreover, this forces many times broke into the temple the middle of the night like a bunch of thugs to straight arms to expel civil rights protesters out on the way to the temporary refuge of merciful temple door. It is losing people and love people, atrophy that fellow and nationalism, infamous for Vietnamese culture and race!

            Consequently, along with Monk, we demand that the communist government to immediately stop the inhumane persecution, lawlessness for the wounded Republican handicapped, the poor, elderly, sick, former prisoners of conscience oppression, the petitioners were take land occupied home that your General for Social Philanthropy Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam is trying to placate a lot of suffering and injustice shield by the Community production caused.

            2 - Unanimous protesting to Ethnic Culture deletion policy of the communist authorities.

            We also know: How long from now, the region Thu Thiem (district 2, Saigon), with an area of ​​930ha and a beautiful location right on the Saigon River, is attractive scented bait giants real estate and the corruption of local officials and central Hanoi. Under the guise of "new urban planning", the communist government since 2002 has gradually expelled from residents and determination to eliminate all religious establishments have a long life on the land. Specifically, they were expected to bring down the old house An Khanh, Protestant churches, the Catholic church, the Thu Thiem Lovers of the Holy Cross monastery, and now is the temple Lien Tri of the Church PGVNTN by The Abbot.

            First of all, this is a conspiracy of Communist tyranny only things to steal land from civilians to divide each other or sell for red capitalists, just as they had claimed countless land of the country to donate to the Communist China to covered statistical power. Secondly, it is the policy of the atheist Communist tyranny to erase human spirituality and culture of the nation. For a long time, this beautiful culture to survive, grow and be sheltered under the roof of temples, mosques, shrines of all religions throughout the country. There, the soul of the Vietnamese are called upward lofty spiritual entity, and education should be humane, honest, brave and behind the net. Communist or enhance or destroy, or owned or commercialize the basis of religion to destroy the human and spiritual values ​​of the nation, most people only care of the physical search, online race to enjoy, brutal living a lie and bite the rule to the Communist Party illegal inhumane sat on the throne. And today, when it comes to the Lien Tri Temple is the victim of sinister cruel policy.

            Consequently, along with Ven, we protest the clearance, relocation Lien Tri pagoda and all other religious establishments in Thu Thiem, because it disrupts the peace of mind living with the way of spiritual culture, human the oldest inhabitants of this land;, and because it represents the brutal plot to take over the land the homes of farmers and urban people, all family and religion from South to North.

            Finally, we pray to God for all believers the courage and perseverance to protect the faith and fight for justice, and to those who promote the right gift of light to sense the consequences they do and the grace of conversion for them to turn on the with good legs shores.

            Done in Vietnam 29-09-2012, feast of the Archangel Micaen (fight evil), Raphaen (protect the good will), Gabriel (proclamation of God).

            Group representatives Father Nguyen Kim Dien:
            Father Stephen Chan Tin
            - Father Peter Nguyen Huu Giai
            - Rev. Peter Phan Van Loi
            in the communion of Father Nguyen Van Ly is in the Communist prison.

Group of Rev. Nguyen Kim Dien-Thu communion with the HT Thich Khong Tanh (29-09-2012). Doc
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Redemptorist VN: Communion with the Appeals Letter of Venerable Thich Khong Tanh
Posted on September 30, 2012 | 4 responses

 VRNs (9/30/2012) - Saigon - Today, 9/29/2012, the Office of the Province of CCT VN Message Communion popular medium, by Father Vincent Pham Trung Thanh, Redemptorist provincial superior VN write and sign posts to Thich Khong Tanh, Pagoda Liench'ih, Thu Thiem, Saigon.

In Letter of Communion it says: "Lien Tri pagoda and as a symbol of spirituality, as a practice of keeping the Thu Thiem residents. In the future, when the city grew in Thu Thiem, the number of people living and access to work, trade, education in this area, according to the estimated tens of millions of people every month, so can not have no religious basis especially the Lien Tri Temple, to promote the spiritual nature of religious practice. May be the future leaders of the Thu Thiem new urban area is unreligious persons, but people here is certainly very religious nature. "

Soon, the Venerable Thich Khong Tanh response of gratitude.

VRNs honor to introduce full text mail communion and his reply.


Saigon, September 29, 2012

LETTER communion
To: Venerable Thich Khong Tanh, Head Lien Tri pagoda,

And sincerelly

To: Masters - Lien Tri Temple

Vietnamese Redemptorist Appeals for full communion with the Letter of Venerable Thich Khong Tanh, demand the right to change plans, does not relieve the Lien Tri Temple, of the Thu Thiem, District 2, Saigon.

Vietnam is a country of religion. Vietnamese people are spiritual people. Nearly 40 years ago, despite strong government propaganda for unreligious doctrine, but the Vietnamese still find religious roots and his spiritual life.

Buddhist lineage to Vietnam than 2000 years. Buddhism has become one of the fundamental elements of Vietnamese culture.

Lien Tri pagoda and as a symbol of spirituality, as a practice of keeping the Thu Thiem residents. In the future, when the city grew in Thu Thiem, the number of people living and access to work, trade, education in this area, according to the estimated tens of millions of people every month, so can not have no religious basis especially the Lien Tri Temple, to promote the spiritual nature of religious practice. Maybe the leaders of Thu Thiem new urban area is unreligious persons, but the people here is certainly very religious nature.

Vietnamese Redemptorist will pray specifically for the Lien Tri Temple and continue to monitor the progress of this work.

Vietnam Redemptorist Provincial

Father Vincent Pham Trung Thanh, Redemptorist

The original communion letter in Vietnamese

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Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 9, 2012

The communist government of Vietnam made the petitioners who down the road to protest land claims become offenders. Where is justice?





Vietnam is now one of the countries in the world with achievements led to the petitioners focus to the streets to protest government claims most persistent and longest time. The majority of street demonstrations to petition the government said on civil rights protesters of their land has been requisitioned by the government at all levels or appropriating an unauthorized manner without compensation or inadequate compensation makes many people fall into misery, no place to enjoy, no job, living, children have to leave school and future scenarios, blind darkness. Perhaps this is the reason for many of the petitioners from all focus down the protesters appeal for justice desperately for a long time, many people claim persists up to tens of years and still not be considered by the authorities concerned or satisfactorily resolved.

What makes people care and worry is the break off all ralations and inhumane policies of the communist government of Vietnam that the petitioners Tran Thi Hai arrested by police on 10 April while she with other people were getting down the streets demanding fairness for families and today continues to be the Binh Duong Province Court sentenced to nine months in prison on charges of being accused of "disturbing public order" is the clearest evidence. Perhaps no other country in the world with skillful impudently trial achievement as in Viet Nam at present when turning petitioning victims become offenders. Right the way of funny handling saying above led people more angry and lose confidence in the government, in the Justice, in the Party and the depravity of the current dictatorial regime. For years, governments at all levels from local to central manipulation and abuse of power to appropriate property land homes of people the wrong way leads to pressing domestic and international public opinion and put many honest people fall into the path of response to unintended self-defense as coercive land for his family Doan Van Vuon in Hai Phong which had shocked the country in the recent year.

Corruption is rampant, especially in the field of land makes the social order becomes unstable. Even knowing that the consequences for wrongdoing was recorded above are great and very serious. But due to personal interest appropriated from the field of land is also no small cause for government leaders at all levels become blind, manipulation and cover each other and act like group of pillagers scavenged and illegally seized property, the land of the people that do not care them alive or dead. The most heartbreaking thing is the government not quit from any evil and wicked tricks like turning petitioners petitioning for justice become offenders as herself Tran Thi Hai living in Binh Duong today. Nothing more painful as they not only were seized property but also even put in the prison right by the thieves. Vietnamese people, especially those who live in the rural is gentle, honest and naive. However, if the Vietnamese communist government always puts them on the road with no way out, no one knows what will happen in the future!!! Our Ancient grandparents  always say that " even the worms will turn". Hopefully this will be the message of the will of the people sent to the Vietnamese communist state government with the desire that truth and justice will be the Vietnamese government to respect.


English> Current Affairs

Land claim settlement, being 9 months in prison


This morning in Binh Duong court petitioner Tran Thi Hai was sentenced to nine months in prison on charges of "disturbing public order".

Courtesy Vietnamexodus
Peasantry and Tran Thi Hai carrying banners 
complaints and denunciations suggest removal 
district president.

She Bui Thi Thanh someone who has the eye of the lawsuit of the people in many southern provinces to be present at the trial for Radio Free Asia said the trial as follows:

This morning in Binh Duong city trial of Tran Thi Hai, is one of the petitioners claim the 12-year land but do not have a body to resolve her case. Her complaint Comedy thicker than a glove and she brings to the court but not considered

Please she said Tran Thi Hai accused of crime when she herself was just people who claim land?

On the 10th of April, right, she was up to Binh Duong to request a review of her land was seized. Then there are also many people claim, just accidentally nobody let on before. People gather in front of the provincial committee asked the president to reception but no one out. Only two along with others holding band-roll move around in front of the city People's Committee. They go order on the pavement and no one at all screaming. Police arrested her and then keep her in the house not to go anywhere, and today are going to court up to nine months in prison on charges of disturbing public order

Please let me know, Does Tran Thi Hai have protection by lawyer or not?

Had a lawyer sister, she said equitable but although talk, their project has pocket and they never heard the excuses. Ms. Hai has ever been a soldier for many years. She is also a party member but because unfair acts of the government to take land of her family so both she and her husband had to return the Party card and out of the Party.

Thank you, Ms. Bui Thi Thanh.

Copyright © 1998-2011 Radio Free Asia. All rights reserved.

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Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2012

International organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) expressed outrage at the shamelessly sophistry of the Vietnamese communist government in order to justify their wrongdoing






Statement untrue and irresponsible communist government of Vietnam on last 26 September, 2012 in order to justify trampling on the human rights of the communist state government is behaving "worth shame "unacceptable and inexcusable. Thereby, the Vietnamese people at home and abroad as well as the International Community as see more clearly the true nature full of cunning and unethical of the totalitarian communist regime in Vietnam today. The Ba Dinh Hanoi leaders group not only have the attitude and behavior challenges the patience of the people of Vietnam the country, but also is a serious challenge to the International Community when blatantly trample despite human rights and disregard of international law.

It's a pity, when the suppress to freedom of speech of the Vietnamese Communist government has faced fierce opposition and criticism severely from the international community and most of the International Human Rights Organizations, but Vietnam's communist government seem not only does not aware of his misconduct, but also proved to be stubborn with quibble words in order to protect and justify their sin. True to his remarks and said Phil Robertson, deputy director of the Asia of the International Human Rights Organization, Human Rights Watch (HRW) that the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam Luong Thanh Nghi need to spend more time learning and research clearly Article 19 provisions on freedom of expression of citizens in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights before speaking the shameful and irresponsible words to the International Community on last 26 September, 2012.

All of us see clearly the nature unruly and irresponsible of the dictator leaders group of Communist Party and communist government of Vietnam. This shows that our people can not continue to waste your time to wait and longing in the heart move that amendment from the leaders of this corrupt regime anymore. The international community in recent years have also expressed their goodwill by creating more opportunities for Vietnam to improve its human rights worse. However, every effort and goodwill trying of the International Community has been met with the ruthless cold water dipper. Practice has proved that all diplomatic measures that the International Community including the United States and the countries of the European Community has applied for Vietnam during past time is completely useless. It is time for the International Community should carry out punitive sanctions and stronger, more effective to bring Vietnam into the orbit of the world, forcing the Hanoi authorities have adhered to obligations their commitments to the International on Human Rights.


Thursday, 27/09/2012

News / Việt Nam

HRW denies Vietnam's claims of harsh sentences for 3 bloggers

Three members of the Free Journalists Club: Blogger Dieu Cay, Ta Phong Tan, and AnhbaSaigon

Trà Mi-VOA

Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch strongly opposed the declaration of the Vietnamese government rejects criticism of the world's judgment for blogger Dieu Cay, Ta Phong Tan, and AnhbaSG.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 25/9 spoke confirmed the judgment that Hanoi for three members of the Free Journalists Club is lawful Vietnam, in accordance with international law of human rights, including the International Covenant on civil and political rights of citizens.


Việt Nam rejects criticism of the world about judgments for 3 blogger 
U.S, EU urged Vietnam to release three new blogger sentenced 
U.S. State Department spoke about the judgment of 3 Vietnamese bloggers  
VOA interview wife of blogger Dieu Cay on a 12-year prison sentence for her husband 
In response to a 26-year prison sentence of blogger Điếu Cày, Tạ Phong Tần, AnhbaSG 
Bloggers protest Dispatch 7169 

Three bloggers known to this day 24/9 was sentenced to a total of 26 years in prison on charges of 'propaganda against the state' associated with their 26 articles were posted on the net that the Hanoi government is' anti- the state '.

Mass criticism, condemnation from the United States, Europe, the United Nations, as well as international human rights protection in three sentences is described as 'harsh', spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam, Luong Thanh Nghi, 25/9 again echoed longstanding Hanoi that the Vietnamese government always respect and protect the freedom of the citizen under the provisions of the Constitution and the law. Vietnam said the sentenced criminal who dealt with according to Vietnamese law.

Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch said that the statement is entirely quibble, fail to comply with human rights violations are increasingly degraded in Vietnam.

"There is no one, including my children who are legally on the court with my father, but were not accepted. They arrested me and my son, and they are holding my daughter at home, not allow her to go to school. " ... 
Wife, Duong Thi Tan, blogger Dieu Cay

Deputy Director for Asia of Human Rights Watch, said Phil Robertson, told the VOA English language that he did not understand how the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesman could speak without words such that:

"I think spokesman Luong Thanh Nghi should take the time to read the 19 rules about freedom of expression of citizens in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Vietnam has signed participation . I am willing to send him a break if he is not found in the library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam. "

Phil Robertson, said:

"The basic problem is that Vietnam does not adjust the internal laws in accordance with international standards. It is the process by which the country ratified the international treaty needs to be done, but Vietnam does not perform. Article 88 of the Penal Code of Vietnam obvious violation of international commitments to respect human rights, to the commitments Hanoi volunteer. Mr. Nghi can say this sentence in accordance with Vietnamese law, but what he did not mention is Vietnam's law violates the most basic human rights. Three hearings this blogger does not fit at all with the international law of human rights. Perhaps many Vietnamese people are laughing at his statement, the statement will not fool anyone. If Vietnam continues to deny this type of problem, there will be many obstacles in their efforts to find a seat at the UN Human Rights Council for not being able to trick the country where members of the council. "

If Vietnam continues to deny this type of problem, there will be many obstacles in their efforts to find a seat at the UN Human Rights Council for not being able to trick the country where members of the council. "... Phil Robertson, Human Rights Watch

Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced that the hearing on 24/9 key trial of three members of the Free Journalists Club open to the public, in accordance with law, but family members and those who wish to attend court says were detained by security forces and prevented by all means.

Blogger Dieu Cay's wife, Duong Thi Tan, said:

"There is no one, including my children who are legally on the court with my father, but were not accepted. They arrested me and my son, and they are holding my daughter at home, not allow her to go to school. "

Blogger Dieu Cay, Ta Phong Tan, and AnhbaSG is the author of the article reflects the views of corruption, national sovereignty, social injustice, advocating for human rights and democracy advocates. The international community condemned that judgment for them is inhumane proved Hanoi no tolerance of opposing viewpoints and suppression of basic human rights to the point.

Vietnam is one of three leader countries  in the world imprisoned blogger and those who express dissident views on the network. Vietnam is ranked 172 in the 179 countries in the ranking of press freedom index 2011 to 2012 and also named in the list of 'Enemies of the Internet' by the organization Reporters Without Borders made.

International Committee to Protect Journalists CPJ commented Vietnam remains one of the countries strictly control the media and most severe in Asia.

Judgments of blogger Dieu Cay, Ta Phong Tan, AnhbaSG campaign made between enhanced internet control of Vietnam, with at least 19 bloggers detained, according to Reporters Without Borders.

Recently, Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has issued the written express requirement severely punished the citizens network pages are known in which include Dan Lam Bao, and Quan Lam Bao.

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Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 9, 2012

The world vehemently opposed the heavy sentence for dissident bloggers and ask the Vietnamese communist government to release them immediately and unconditionally






The whole world unanimously criticized the heavy sentence that Vietnam's communist government has ruled for Vietnamese dissident bloggers just because they have the right to freedom of expression and heart love their country peacefully. This was really to alert conscience of the world when people show their patriotism but to be crackdown and trampled harshly by government. We all know people's right to freedom of speech is not only defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of the United Nations, but also was the law and constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam recognized and protected.

But through the heavy sentence for dissident bloggers in court Monday morning, 24 September, 2012 recently is showed that the communist government of Vietnam has gone against their commitments to international on human rights.  As the identification of the organization Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International, the trial of dissident bloggers today is a trial "shameful". The Vietnam's communist government through the shame court above not only demonstrates the disregard of international law, but also challenge the patience of the entire human race progress all over the world that today's expression the government of the United States, the European Community and the International Human Rights Organization is a powerful demonstration and specific.

To protect individual interests and maintain policies his autocratic dictatorial rule, the leaders of the Vietnamese Communist Party and government have come out of this violation to other violations and the situation is becoming more serious when mistakes continue to pile up errors leading to unruly actions today despite the law and the constitution, despite international law and human moral conscience. However there is one thing that the group leader Ba Dinh Hanoi can not be any doubt that is the extreme persistence and patriotism of the Vietnamese people are bigger than their minds. As severely suppressed, as being trampled rough, the patriotism of the people is growing stronger. The fear, indifferent to everything also thanks to the way the brutal dictatorship of the Vietnamese Communist Party and the government that seems to have completely disappeared. Vietnam more and more people see and understand the true nature of the so-called socialist Republic of Vietnam with civilized society and inhuman way to rule of a corrupt regime crushed worth spit and forgotten.


News / Vietnam

U.S. State Department spoke about the judgment of the three Vietnamese blogger

Blogger Ta Phong Tan, Dieu Cay and AnhbaSaigon

On Monday, the U.S. State Department said they were very interested in the judgment of 3 blogger Dieu Cay Nguyen Van Hai, Ta Phong Tan and Phan Thanh Hai.

Press release of the said punishment activists simply because they exercise free speech right is incompatible with the Convention on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


In response to a 26-year prison sentence of blogger Dieu Cay, Ta Phong Tan and AnhbaSG

VOA interview wife of blogger Dieu Cay on a 12-year prison sentence for her husband

The statement continues, the verdict is the latest move in multiple dynamics of the Vietnamese authorities to restrict freedom of speech.

The statement called on the Vietnamese government to release three bloggers, and all prisoners of conscience, and immediately comply with international obligations.

The statement concluded, media freedom is essential to a just and open society. As Secretary Clinton has said, the protection of human rights is a necessary step for the development of bilateral relations closer and more mature.

Source: U.S. Department of State Website


EU demands release of three bloggers

Update: 17:13 GMT, Monday, September 24, 2012

Blogger Điếu Cày tại tòa

Blogger Dieu Cay was sentenced to two years 
six months previous prison for other crimes

Commissioner for External Relations of the European Union Catherine Ashton called for the release of the last three bloggers in Ho Chi Minh City court sentenced

Nguyen Van Hai (blogger Dieu Cay), Ta Phong Tan and Phan Thanh Hai (blogs as AnhBaSG) was sentenced to 12, 10 and 4 years in prison on charges of propaganda against the Socialist State, in accordance with Article 88 of the Penal Code .

The same day, the Office of the High Commissioner of Policy of the EU has issued a statement expressing "deep concern" about the harsh sentences for bloggers.

The statement of Ms. Ashton wrote that "the judgment in this case particularly heavy."

"The European Union recalls the basic rights of all people to express their views peacefully."

Ms. Ashton also "called on Vietnam to respect its international obligations and to release the blogger immediately."

Before that, soon after the trial ended in Ho Chi Minh City, Embassy of the United States had responded by press release request "Vietnamese Government must release blogger Dieu Cay, and Phan Thanh Hai and Ta Phong Tan ".

The U.S. also said: "The way the government handled Dieu Cay seems inconsistent with Vietnam's obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the terms of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights regarding freedom of speech and hearing in accordance with legal procedures. "

The case of Mr. Nguyen Van Hai has been U.S. President Barack Obama referred to as an activist for press freedom in Vietnam.

Heavy sentence

Mr. Nguyen Van Hai, that Dieu Cay, the most severe sentence of 12 years in prison. Ta Phong Tan, who was a police officer and then up blog for Justice and Truth, was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Phan Thanh Hai, the blog Anhbasaigon, received the lightest sentence of 4 years in prison.
Known both Mr. Nguyen Van Hai and Ta Phong Tan pleaded not guilty.

AFP, the only foreign media to witness the trial was scored his words Dieu Cay before the line was cut as follows:

"I was very disappointed because of the lack of justice, corruption and dictatorship do not represent the State, but only to some individuals."

[Commissioner Catherine Ashton] called on Vietnam to respect its international obligations and to release the blogger immediately. "

Announcement of the European Union

The central concept of the prosecution mainstream media in Vietnam reported as follows:

"According to the trial, the defendant's offense is particularly serious, continuous, extended, clearly expressed and has negative impacts on national security as well as the image of Vietnam Men in the international community., in which Nguyen Van Hai role of leader; Ta Phong Tan and Phan Thanh Hai is an active accomplice. "

With this 12-year sentence, plus two years and six months in prison for tax evasion in front of it, his total time in prison Customs the highest ever by the Vietnamese government for the world works democracy.

Tran Huynh Duy Thuc only with the judgment of 16 years in prison last month 1/2010 is more long-term projects.

Trials of Mr. Nguyen Van Hai, Ta Phong Tan and Phan Thanh Hai took place just a few hours Monday morning 24/9.

After prison term, all three bloggers will continue to be on probation for a period of 5 years for Mr. Nguyen Van Hai and three years for Ta Phong Tan and Phan Thanh Hai.


English> Current Affairs

International criticized Vietnam sentenced the bloggers

Quynh Chi, RFA reporter

Immediately after the hearing for three bloggers Free Journalists Club ended, the United States Embassy in Hanoi and the international organizations simultaneously condemn the judgment that they are too heavy.

AFP photo
Security forces before the People's Court of 
Ho Chi Minh City 24.09.2012 morning, where 
ongoing trial 3 blogger Dieu Cay, Ta Phong Tan 
and AnhbaSaigon

Heavy sentence

The trial takes place quickly, but public opinion for the judgment does not melt away quickly. The court session instance that Ho Chi Minh City People's Court to give three blogger Dieu Cay (Nguyen Van Hai, 60); Ta Phong Tan (34), AnhbaSG (LS Phan Thanh Hai, 43) respectively 12 years in prison, 10 years in prison and four years in prison. This is considered as one of the heavy sentences for the democratic character and bloggers. Talking with RFA after the trial ends, said Phil Robertson, deputy director for Asia of the organization Human Rights Watch (HRW - New York) called this the judgment "appalling":

"Obviously this is a terrible thing, it goes against the government's responsibility for human rights including freedom of speech. It specifies that Vietnam does not make the commitment to human rights standards International ".

At the hearing on September 24, blogger Dieu Cay and Ta Phong Tan did not getting the job done is a violation of law. Phil Robertson agreed with this statement; emphasizes that bloggers are treated too strict and the government should not have arrested these people because they are not guilty:

"If these bloggers do the same in the United States there will be no matter what happens. There will be people reading their blog or read their blog or critique ... there is nothing great. Government of Viet Nam said that what they write on the blog as national security threats, the way of thinking that is very paranoid. "

U.S. Embassy in Hanoi has a press release condemning the trial as soon as the judgment was made. But human rights organizations and the press organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF - Paris), Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ - New York), Amnesty International (AI - New York) as quickly Batch quickly criticized the judgment that the trial attracted the special attention of the international community.

Announcement of the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi to emphasize that what that Dieu Cay doing just simply express the views of peaceful citizens. Accordingly, this statement does not forget to call for Vietnam to implement the principles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Declaration on Human Rights which Vietnam has passed.

Clearly, this is a terrible thing, it goes against the government's responsibility for human rights including freedom of speech.

Phil Robertson

The press release of the organization Reporters Without Borders, Amnesty International and reviews from New York court on Monday as "shameful", stressed that the judgment of the three members of the Journalists Club Self by "terrifying" and "unjust". Said Shawn Crispin, senior representatives of Asia of the Committee to Protect Journalists - CPJ that this judgment again send a strong message to the blogger from by:

"The judgment today, of course, is to send out a strong message to other bloggers. But the government has long sent out this message. As noted by our 14 imprisoned journalists Vietnam in which 13 people blogging ".

Trial of blogger Dieu Cay, Ta Phong Tan and AnhbaSG place after much delay. The three bloggers be punished according to Article 88 of the Vietnamese Penal Code - "propaganda against the State". The indictment said that from September 2007, the Free Journalists Club website has posted a total of 412 articles. The indictment also states that all articles of Ta Phong Tan (about 90 items) and LS Phan Thanh Hai (20 items) "have content against the State."

International condemnation

Blogger Dieu Cay at the Court of First Instance 
morning 24/09/2012. Photo by Lan Nguyen Thang

At trial, the blogger Dieu Cay and Ta Phong Tan denies violating Vietnamese law, stressed that they only implement human rights. Sentence of 10 years in prison for the free pen although not the most severe penalties in the penalty can be up to 20 years in prison of Article 88 BLHSVN but it's enough to cause discontent for defense agencies area of ​​human rights and democratic government. He Shawn Crispin emphasize:

"They place a heavy sentence shows the widespread crackdown on internet freedom issues. We strongly condemn the judgment and concern about the suppression of press freedom taking place in Vietnam.

Three cases this blogger to attract the attention of the world too much. President of the United States have voiced Dieu Cay. This shows that the ruling regime is scared and that this repressive actions against the policies of many nations. "

Liberal Journalists' Club is one of the pioneering sites in Vietnam in published articles are not subject to the management of the State and the CPV. In the past four years, the international community repeatedly voiced concern about the case of blogger Dieu Cay in particular and the state of press freedom in general in Vietnam. The international organizations have repeatedly requested the release of the blogger's club Journalists Freedom.

They place a heavy sentence shows the widespread crackdown on internet freedom issues. We strongly condemn the judgment and concern about the suppression of press freedom taking place in Vietnam.

Mr. Shawn Crispin

Charges of "propaganda against the State" and "attempting to overthrow the regime" (Article 88 and 79) are condemned by the international crimes most of the Vietnam Penal Code on the grounds that these are "fuzzy "and is used to suppress dissent.

Blogger Dieu Cay now 60 years old, is known as a founder of the Free Journalists Club. Prior to that, he was arrested for alleged "tax evasion" - a judgment has also been criticized very strongly. After prison term, all three bloggers will take 3-5 years of probation. In May this year, U.S. President Barack Obama has mentioned the name Dieu Cay in the World Press Freedom Day as an international case that should not be forgotten.

After the trial ended, many international organizations, including the United States Embassy in Hanoi are urged to release blogger, noted that Vietnam should implement their commitment to national sectors. Committee to Protect Journalists said the verdict is a further evidence on the "downside" of the government. Mr. Shawn Crispin said it would continue to monitor closely and called for international action for lack of press freedom in Vietnam.

According to the time line:

Suppress before the trial of three Bloggers

Many people were arrested before the trial of the bloggers

Bloggers Dieu Cay, Anh Ba Saigon and Ta Phong Tan was about to be brought to trial 

LS Gerard Staberock: Hearing of Dieu Cay is a travesty of justice

Add three Human Rights organizations called for the release of three bloggers are going to court 

DB Sanchez: 484 Resolution referring directly to Article 79 and 88 of the Penal Code of Vietnam

RW calling for the release of the bloggers are imprisoned 

Police harassment of those who attended the seven week of Ms. Dang Thi Kim Lieng 

Mother of journalist Ta Phong Tan died from  self-immolation 

Bloggers centralized in Saigon court 

Trial accused of patriotism  

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Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 9, 2012

To convict heavily dissident bloggers, the communist government of Vietnam is not only serious violations of human rights, but also challenge international law and the conscience of mankind




Sentence of 12 years in prison plus five years of probation for blogger Nguyen Van Hai News "Dieu Cay" and 10 years in prison plus five years of probation for her Ta Phong Tan, a former police officer and at the same time the owner for Justice and truth blog as well as lighter sentence of four years in prison plus three years of probation for Phan Thanh Hai blogger "Anh Ba Saigon" because of their legal and legitimate express the right of Freedom of Speech by their  peaceful is serious violations of human rights in Vietnam, which is the law, the National Constitution and international legal provisions and protection.

Unruly behavior despite moral and Justice of the communist government of Vietnam not only serious challenges to human moral conscience, but also contrary to their commitments to International for Human Rights and Civil and political rights of the people while Vietnam have ever signed and participated in the International Declaration of Human Rights and later became a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. It's disappointing when the state itself Vietnam is a member of the United Nations, but they trample the International Convention on Human Rights of the United Nations. This is very bad deserved condemnation and spit.

As identified by the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, the behavior of the communist government is not consistent with their obligations under the International Convention. The aforementioned bloggers need to be quickly released immediately and unconditionally. Freedom of Speech is one of the legal and legitimate rights of the people which was right in the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam recognized by the communist government of Vietnam and although convict them even a day is also violations of law, violations of the national Constitution and international law challenges. Not only should be released immediately for the above bloggers, but also to release all prisoners of conscience and other political prisoners are being Vietnamese communist government imprisoned the wrong way years. At the same time, the Hanoi government needs to reconsider and cancel all absurd and ambiguous articles that the Vietnamese communist authorities had used in the past to suppress and silence the voices of disagreement in countries such as Articles 88 and 79 of the Criminal Procedure Code.


VN handling heavy Dieu Cay and Ta Phong Tan

Blogger Điếu Cày

Blogger Dieu Cay made government upset because 
raised his voice about sovereign of sea and island

French news agency AFP reported from the trial, said Nguyen Van Hai, that Dieu Cay, the most severe sentence of 12 years in prison.

Ta Phong Tan, who was a police officer and then up blog for Justice and Truth, was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Phan Thanh Hai, the blog Anhbasaigon, received the lightest sentence of 4 years in prison.

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Vietnamese newspapers in the post before the hearing, said Phan Thanh Hai 'pleaded guilty and asked for leniency' and Mr. Nguyen Van Hai and Ta Phong Tan 'stubborn' not guilty.

The international newsletter also mentioned his name Dieu Cay had been President of the United States, Barack Obama referred to as an activist for press freedom in Vietnam.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hai 'execution of the judgment two years and six months in prison' for which the authorities come up with is 'tax evasion'.

Thus, the total duration of his imprisonment became an unprecedented high for many years in the judgment of the government apparatus in Vietnam for world democratic movement.

How the government handles Dieu Cay seems inconsistent with Vietnam's obligations under the International Convention "
U.S. Embassy

Judgments made very promptly after the hearing took place only a few hours in the morning Monday 24/9.
After prison term, all three bloggers will continue to be on probation for a period of 5 years for Mr. Nguyen Van Hai and three years for Ta Phong Tan and Phan Thanh Hai.

The trial took place before the heavy guarded by hundreds of police.

We believe many democracy activists and independent bloggers find ways to show to show their support for the blogger is being tried was police surveillance and arrest.

Monday, shortly after news of the handle end, the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi issued a press release request "Vietnamese Government should release Dieu Cay and blogger Phan Thanh Hai and Ta Phong Tan ".

The U.S. also said: "The way the government handled Dieu Cay seems inconsistent with Vietnam's obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the terms of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights regarding freedom of speech and hearing in accordance with legal procedures. "

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Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 9, 2012

Welcome to win and get back of political prisoners and statement of Article 88 of the Penal Code (23-09-2012)



Dear fellow Vietnamese and international friends. Please help spread. We sincerely thank you.
Block 8406

Block 8406 
Khối 8406
Manifesto on Freedom and Democracy for Vietnam in 2006

Welcome to win and get back of political prisoners
 and statement of Article 88 of the Penal Code (23-09-2012)



- The entire Vietnamese compatriots at home and abroad.
- The democratic government, human rights organizations and the international community progress.

            In the 10, 11 & 18/9/2012 last three political prisoners are two Mr. Nguyen Van Tuc, Mr. Pham Van Troi and Ms. Pham Thanh Nghien was back to small family from jail prison regime unfair and harsh. Previously, on 12-01-2012, lawyer Tran Quoc Hien, then dated 05-05-2012, journalist Truong Minh Duc was also released. The 5-member of Bloc 8406 - had to go through 4 to 4 years imprisonment and then will take 3 to 4 years of probation due to the Vietnamese communist authorities convicted under article 88 of the Penal Code their current.

            On this occasion, Block 8406 would like to warmly applaud and welcome them, indomitable members persevering in this prison for the victory back to the family, with the democracy movement Bloc 8406 and with Vietnam! Sacrifice and courage of them is extremely significant, uphold the mirror and make a worthy contribution to the struggle to democratize the country. Means certain that will career victory!

            Dear compatriots and gentlemen,

            Aforementioned Article 88 of the Penal Code is a provision with words very general and vague. It violates the Constitution's so-called "Socialist Republic of Vietnam" and of course, the more serious violations of fundamental human freedoms, in accordance with the provisions of international law. Therefore it has become a tool of sinister, cruel and despicable that the Communist authorities often used to convict thousands of Vietnamese patriots, when they dare openly and courageously put up an independent voice and his honesty in the face of the regime, the social situation and the current situation of the country.

            Vietnamese society and the country is increasingly at risk due to bad ambition of Chinese literature liken  more and more blatant group of invaders to the north and by the severity of the flood devastation internal invaders incompetent and corrupt, evil people and appointment with the enemy! But anyone, whether Vietnamese or foreigner, if the use of their freedom to speak out about these risks, they were the police and Communist propaganda captured and accused of "hostile forces attempting to overthrow the people's government and undermining national unity bloc"!?! Can assert that: not a defamatory truth and justice can match the rhetoric lies, reactionary and undemocratic Communist government of Vietnam! It hide a despicable plot and the wicked are like hand tied, gagged patriotic Vietnamese people and international friends to democracy is freedom of rampant power, the freedom of exploitation People and corruption free  wholesale country!

            Dear compatriots and gentlemen,

            On the morning of Monday 24-09-2012 to come, the communist government of Vietnam will take three members of the Free Journalists Club: Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay), Phan Thanh Hai (UK Three Saigon) and her Ta Phong Tan to so-called "People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City "to treatment in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 88 of the Penal Code, the penalty from 10 to 20 years in prison. Then on 26-09-2012, three young Catholic at Nghe An brothers Anthony Dau Van Duong, Peter Tran Huu Duc and Anthony Chu Manh Son appellate court would have been at city Vinh trial for the same thing 88 the Penal Code.

            On this occasion, Block 8406, we call on the people of Vietnam and abroad and progressive world community to speak with us demanding to release immediately and unconditionally to 6 patriots say above and for all political prisoners, religious prisoners in general. At the same time, we called on the United Nations, human rights organizations, NGOs, the media, diplomats, attended two court to defend the patriotic people who have been being persecuted by Communist Party of Vietnam.

            In Vietnam and overseas, September 23, 2012.
            Board of Bloc 8406:
1 - Father Phan Van Loi, Hue, Vietnam.
2 - Engineer Do Nam Hai - Saigon - Vietnam.
3 - Professor Nguyen Chinh Ket - Houston - United States.
4 - Ms. Lu Thi Thu Duyen - Boston - United States.

            In communion with the Father Nguyen Van Ly, a veteran Tran Anh Kim, writer Nguyen Xuan Nghia, and many other religious political prisoners are in prison of communism.

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Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 9, 2012

International organizations criticized Vietnam's increased repression of free speech




Freedom of Speech in Vietnam is now the Vietnamese communist government was trampling harshly. Addition to suppressing Press, political sites and personal blogs, the Vietnamese communist authorities also used police force posing as thugs harass and assault the family of bloggers, journalists who was accused of thoughts and acts of anti-Party, anti-regime need to be severely punished under the law. Aforementioned evil despicable actions of the leaders of the Party and the Vietnamese communist totalitarian government not only serious violations of human rights but also trampled on the human moral conscience must be international and human condemned.

Vietnamese communist government authorities also need to be aware that, once the awareness and desire in the hearts of Democratic resurgence and become necessities in daily life indispensable, any attempt by the government to increase repression to silence the people not only do not work to make people fear, but also makes them stronger and more determined. All of us no one can deny the remarkable features and achievements by the Democracy bring to the people, the society and the nation. History has proven one thing is clear that somewhere in the world where democratic development, like that corruption will no longer exist, or whether only is negligible small numbers.

In Democratizing Global trend today, the country requires thorough respect for human rights is a top priority. The leaders of the Vietnamese Communist Party and the government can not continue to ignore forever about their bad achievement for Human Rights today to International and other countries in the region. If really want Vietnam economic development, social stability and have political voice position in the region and in the international arena, the first thing that the leaders of the Communist Party and the state needs to do is quickly changed its leadership and its policy rule. Expanding Democracy and the immediate cessation of all acts of persecution of people. Government to accept a pluralistic party, accept the way democratization as a prerequisite and vital to the fate of National and Ethnic Minorities.


VIETNAM - Last post: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - This page was last modified Wednesday, September 19, 2012
International organizations criticized Vietnam's increased repression of free speech

Ủy ban bảo vệ nhà báo có trụ sở tại New York (CPJ/Jeremy Bigwood)

Committee to Protect Journalists, based in New York 
(CPJ / Jeremy Bigwood)

Thanh Phương

For two consecutive days, the two organizations to protect press freedom Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has issued a statement and report critical of the increasing repression the right to freedom of expression in Vietnam. Today, Reporters Without Borders issued a statement condemning the actions of underground pressure and retaliation aimed at the Vietnamese dissidents and their families.

The statement of Reporters Without Borders ( based in Paris, recalled that, in a written express dated 12.9.2012, Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung ordered « investigation, strict handling »who runs three blogs« Dan Lam Bao »,« Quan Lam Bao »,« Bien Dong », be deemed to have published information« slander, misrepresentation, in order to highlight the the leadership of the country, anti-Vietnamese Party and State ».

Just days later, on 16/09/2012, in Bac Lieu, blogger Dieu Cay's wife, Duong Thi Tan, along with the sister of blogger Ta Phong Tan and a priest, Father Anthony Le Ngoc Thanh, were the plainclothes police assaulted and arrested the police station, on the grounds that they cause traffic accidents. Through this service, Reporters Without Borders condemns the Hanoi government not only increase the suppression of political dissidents, but also pressured, harassed, intimidated by violence against the family and the supporters of the dissidents.

Three bloggers founder Club freelance journalist, Ta Phong Tan, Nguyen Van Hai (Dieu Cay) and Phan Thanh Hai (Anhbasaigon) will be taken to court on 24/09 to charges of 'propaganda against the State ). In a statement, Reporters Without Borders is repeated at least five journalists and 19 netizens imprisoned in Vietnam, just for the exercise of free speech. With this figure, Vietnam is the world's third-largest prison for bloggers and opposition to use the network, after China and Iran.

In a report published in today 19/09/20121, the Committee to Protect Journalists, CPJ (, headquartered in New York, also noted that the situation of press freedom in Vietnam Men increasingly worse, although it continues to open up its economy.

The author of the report, said Shawn Crispin, said: «At Vietnam's economic growth slowed and increased political struggle, the government clearly independent journalists and bloggers as a hub threats to the stability of the country ». He said Shawn Crispin, the Vietnamese government «to maintain a strict control system of its kind and the most rigid Asia». A copy of his report also condemned a 'campaign of harassment and scare »against the dissident since 2009.

Besides, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Vietnamese government has recently implement measures to restrict Internet freedom: increased control over your blog, the new law prohibits posted online information deemed «prejudice national security 'and' undermining national unity ', deploying a force known as' Red Guards', ie those security disguise netizens attack bloggers opposition. A new draft decree also required foreign Internet companies must cooperate with the Vietnamese government and to put the server in Vietnam.

In the article published in the newspaper from Asia Times ( Today, David Brown, said that the campaign has suppressed political blog is a result of internal struggle between factions Nguyen Tan Dung Truong Tan Sang faction, especially blogs Quan Lam Bao which was attacked because The packaging type is information for this page posted many critics Dung.

TAGS:  analysis - VIỆT NAM

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