Dear to fellow Vietnam and adherents of all religions. Please spread. We sincerely thank you.
Father Nguyen Kim Dien group
Mail communion with the Most Venerable Thich Khong Tanh,
Lien Tri Pagoda, Saigon.
Father Nguyen Kim Dien group
- Thich Khong Tanh,
- You Monks and Buddhist Temple Lien Tri.
We are deeply shocked, sad and angry when reading Appeals letter that venerable sent to the Communist central government and local authorities on September 17, 2012.
In the spirit of the communion of the Church and link Vietnam to fight for a free and democratic human rights, especially religious freedom, The Father Nguyen Kim Dien we send to Venerable and monks along Buddhist temple Lien Tri sentiments are as follows:
1 - The protest inhumane policies of the Communist government.
How long from now, we know: the General Department of Social Services Charity of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, Venerable Buddhist Monks quarter Temple Tri-thanks to the support of benefactor friends near and far-had regularly hold relief for the poor, elderly, sick, injured brothers Republic of Vietnam veterans and former prisoners of conscience distress. Especially Venerable made this compassion in the spirit of inter-religious, the presence of many members of the clergy of other religions. It was nice and meaning very extremely!
Communist authorities ought to appreciate the support and this gesture, because it is the people of a hand bandaged the wounds of society. However, rather than follow the example of their ancestors which each provide the means, take the press who treat foreign invaders defeated, instead of imitating the people of the United States have completely remove all hatred and policy sides won fine side failed after the North-South war (1861-1865), the Communist party and the government continues to feed hatred, get hung wreak terrible treated with southern regime, fellow siblings, special especially fall, discrimination, oppression Republic of Vietnam wounded. Specifically, when venerable institutions invited to dinner, gifts for the ill-fated brother was in the Lien Tri Temple or elsewhere, local authorities and local police are trying to prevent, terrorism and dispel chase, when stopped, robbery and assault them. Moreover, this forces many times broke into the temple the middle of the night like a bunch of thugs to straight arms to expel civil rights protesters out on the way to the temporary refuge of merciful temple door. It is losing people and love people, atrophy that fellow and nationalism, infamous for Vietnamese culture and race!
Consequently, along with Monk, we demand that the communist government to immediately stop the inhumane persecution, lawlessness for the wounded Republican handicapped, the poor, elderly, sick, former prisoners of conscience oppression, the petitioners were take land occupied home that your General for Social Philanthropy Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam is trying to placate a lot of suffering and injustice shield by the Community production caused.
2 - Unanimous protesting to Ethnic Culture deletion policy of the communist authorities.
We also know: How long from now, the region Thu Thiem (district 2, Saigon), with an area of 930ha and a beautiful location right on the Saigon River, is attractive scented bait giants real estate and the corruption of local officials and central Hanoi. Under the guise of "new urban planning", the communist government since 2002 has gradually expelled from residents and determination to eliminate all religious establishments have a long life on the land. Specifically, they were expected to bring down the old house An Khanh, Protestant churches, the Catholic church, the Thu Thiem Lovers of the Holy Cross monastery, and now is the temple Lien Tri of the Church PGVNTN by The Abbot.
First of all, this is a conspiracy of Communist tyranny only things to steal land from civilians to divide each other or sell for red capitalists, just as they had claimed countless land of the country to donate to the Communist China to covered statistical power. Secondly, it is the policy of the atheist Communist tyranny to erase human spirituality and culture of the nation. For a long time, this beautiful culture to survive, grow and be sheltered under the roof of temples, mosques, shrines of all religions throughout the country. There, the soul of the Vietnamese are called upward lofty spiritual entity, and education should be humane, honest, brave and behind the net. Communist or enhance or destroy, or owned or commercialize the basis of religion to destroy the human and spiritual values of the nation, most people only care of the physical search, online race to enjoy, brutal living a lie and bite the rule to the Communist Party illegal inhumane sat on the throne. And today, when it comes to the Lien Tri Temple is the victim of sinister cruel policy.
Consequently, along with Ven, we protest the clearance, relocation Lien Tri pagoda and all other religious establishments in Thu Thiem, because it disrupts the peace of mind living with the way of spiritual culture, human the oldest inhabitants of this land;, and because it represents the brutal plot to take over the land the homes of farmers and urban people, all family and religion from South to North.
Finally, we pray to God for all believers the courage and perseverance to protect the faith and fight for justice, and to those who promote the right gift of light to sense the consequences they do and the grace of conversion for them to turn on the with good legs shores.
Done in Vietnam 29-09-2012, feast of the Archangel Micaen (fight evil), Raphaen (protect the good will), Gabriel (proclamation of God).
Group representatives Father Nguyen Kim Dien:
Father Stephen Chan Tin
- Father Peter Nguyen Huu Giai
- Rev. Peter Phan Van Loi
in the communion of Father Nguyen Van Ly is in the Communist prison.
Group of Rev. Nguyen Kim Dien-Thu communion with the HT Thich Khong Tanh (29-09-2012). Doc
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Redemptorist VN: Communion with the Appeals Letter of Venerable Thich Khong Tanh
Posted on September 30, 2012 | 4 responses
VRNs (9/30/2012) - Saigon - Today, 9/29/2012, the Office of the Province of CCT VN Message Communion popular medium, by Father Vincent Pham Trung Thanh, Redemptorist provincial superior VN write and sign posts to Thich Khong Tanh, Pagoda Liench'ih, Thu Thiem, Saigon.
In Letter of Communion it says: "Lien Tri pagoda and as a symbol of spirituality, as a practice of keeping the Thu Thiem residents. In the future, when the city grew in Thu Thiem, the number of people living and access to work, trade, education in this area, according to the estimated tens of millions of people every month, so can not have no religious basis especially the Lien Tri Temple, to promote the spiritual nature of religious practice. May be the future leaders of the Thu Thiem new urban area is unreligious persons, but people here is certainly very religious nature. "
Soon, the Venerable Thich Khong Tanh response of gratitude.
VRNs honor to introduce full text mail communion and his reply.
Saigon, September 29, 2012
LETTER communion
To: Venerable Thich Khong Tanh, Head Lien Tri pagoda,
And sincerelly
To: Masters - Lien Tri Temple
Vietnamese Redemptorist Appeals for full communion with the Letter of Venerable Thich Khong Tanh, demand the right to change plans, does not relieve the Lien Tri Temple, of the Thu Thiem, District 2, Saigon.
Vietnam is a country of religion. Vietnamese people are spiritual people. Nearly 40 years ago, despite strong government propaganda for unreligious doctrine, but the Vietnamese still find religious roots and his spiritual life.
Buddhist lineage to Vietnam than 2000 years. Buddhism has become one of the fundamental elements of Vietnamese culture.
Lien Tri pagoda and as a symbol of spirituality, as a practice of keeping the Thu Thiem residents. In the future, when the city grew in Thu Thiem, the number of people living and access to work, trade, education in this area, according to the estimated tens of millions of people every month, so can not have no religious basis especially the Lien Tri Temple, to promote the spiritual nature of religious practice. Maybe the leaders of Thu Thiem new urban area is unreligious persons, but the people here is certainly very religious nature.
Vietnamese Redemptorist will pray specifically for the Lien Tri Temple and continue to monitor the progress of this work.
Vietnam Redemptorist Provincial
Father Vincent Pham Trung Thanh, Redemptorist
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